arab genetics bodybuilding

Canaanite descendants in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Khalid: Im now preparing for next year Iron Man show in February, and hopefully I will get a good placing in it. This number is increasing as researchers are joining the largest Arab scientific effort to define genetic disorders described in the region. The groundbreaking study by Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla (L), DDIs chief scientific officer and senior author of the study and Dr. Eaaswar Muthukrishna, a genetics and bioinformatics expert at DDI, was published in the Oxford Genome Biology and Evolution journal. Khalid: I don't encourage him to be a bodybuilder, this is sport is so hard, and takes all your time and effort with very little in return. Once you manage to break through and build a bit of muscle, youre headed straight for the Penthouse! The Genographic Project lists a group of reference populations, where the typical national of each country is described according to genetic makeup. Narrow clavicles, broad hips, short muscle bellies, long arms, lengthy femur length compared to the length of the lower leg, long thin tendons, massive joints, and thick skin are all possible outcomes in the worst case scenario. still black. If you're the rail-thin person who has always had trouble putting (and keeping) on weight, you're likely going to be an Ectomorph. arabs have good bodybuilding genes . If you were interested in becoming the strongest person on the planet, you would literally need to be an Endomorph. Yes, one of the best in the world. This calculator will not be accurate if you're not six-pack lean. In the case of the Canaanites, it is more likely that the population influx came from the Caucasus, rather than Iran, because we do have evidence of a cultural link between the Caucasus and the southern Levant in the Bronze Age, says Israel Finkelstein, a Tel Aviv University archaeologist who took part in the study. It's all individually based, so when the guy who spends 2 minutes at the end of his workout every other week doing some light calf-raises, claims he has bad genetics, we can't be sure.. Perhaps he WAS born with 50% less muscle fibers in his calves than the rest . Motivation from an Arab Woman Bodybuilder! This is what was done twofold in the case of the research published in Cell, not only by comparing the Canaanite DNA to that of modern Jews and Arabs, but also by trying to model the relationship between the Bronze Age inhabitants of the Holy Land and even older populations. The number of times Ive found myself watching a big boy throw weights around in the gym in awe is kind of crazy. Most of the ancestors of modern-day Kuwaitis were early settlers that migrated from Saudi Arabia and depended on fishing, pearl diving and seafaring as their main sources of income. LONDON: Researchers in Kuwait have identified a section of DNA that once helped nomadic inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula survive the harsh conditions there, but now is believed to be partly responsible for high rates of diabetes and obesity across the Middle East. If that's your only grounds for your belief that arabs have better test production, you need to do some research No, not "some," I should say, "a lot. And muscle dysmorphia may be on the rise. The researchers also determined that the Canaanites who frequently appear in ancient sources, including the Bible descended from a mixture of an earlier Levantine population and migrants coming from the Caucasus region or northwestern Iran. Did you know that native Egyptians' genetic makeup is 4 percent Jewish diaspora? And these inhabitants eventually adapted to the hot and dry environment. BRAG for the rest of your life." It is foolish to write this is just chemistry! That's been well known for centuries even dating back to the days of Alexander the Great and King Porus etc. It initiated a pilot project to construct the Catalogue for Transmission Genetics in Arabs (CTGA) database for genetic disorders in Arab populations. The scientists found multiple areas of DNA associated with health problems, such as hypertension and diabetes, that had evolved over generations. For more information, please see our If it doesn't, get rid of it. BIKINI. What are bad genetics in bodybuilding? Three individuals unearthed at Megiddo and dated to the 16th-15th centuries B.C.E. The seven-time Mr. Olympia had a 22-inch bicep at his peak and had a symmetrically balanced physique. We cant all have an easy time maintaining six-pack abs and feeling sexy, right? Arab genetics presents , #arabgenetics #bodybuilding #fitness Shady: First I would like to thank you for this opportunity, Im a big fan of you and I talk on behalf of many visitors who are big fans as well, its an honor for me to meet you and have the chance to do this interview. Im going to talk about why some of you lanky readers out there are struggling to build mass, or why the stud wide receiver on your high-school football team can eat McDonalds and still sport a six-pack. Cliffs: East Africans have worst genetics. Jan 2010 - 132lbs. i think africans). I'm an arab from Kuwait, and I don't say it's about our genetics that gives us better chances of getting a nice body than others. Shady: Any contest you have in mind to prepare for in the future? The Ectomorph. The original historical maternal ancestral haplogroups of the Near East were mt (maternal) L3 Haplogroup and (maternal) HV1 haplogroup that are still high in Yemen, while in Greater Syria there is a Eurasian maternal gene flow. The Centre provide information about specific countries,[3] and maintain a list of Genomic diseases. Actually the main goal of this study, titled The Genomic History of the Bronze Age Southern Levant, was to determine the origins of the Canaanites and whether they could be described as a genetically coherent group, distinct from their neighbors, says Reich, the Harvard geneticist. One guy who didn't have the best genes nor the best work ethic would . Watch it to see how perceptions can be changed using science and technology. If they had a better knowledge, they would be much better than they already are. While we cannot be sure of its nature, it is likely that this phenomenon occurred over a long period of time, perhaps centuries, says Carmel, the bioinformatics expert. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *kormo is kool, I'm just mad cause he's stylin on me*. This gene codes for -actinin-3, a protein in fast-twitch muscle fibers. So does unprocessed food. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent. Site Developed by, Interview with Pro bodybuilder Khalid Al Mohsinawi. Struggles adding mass ("hard-gainer") Narrow shoulders. The link to North Africa dates back to when ancient populations first migrated from the continent, which they did through the northeastern route on their way to southwest Asia. Mr Universe was held from November 15 to 23 and it was nothing short of a revelation. They tend to play sports and are likely the studs you saw at school destroying everybody else because they genuinely looked like men on the basketball court. There are two alpha-actin proteins: ACTN2 and ACTN3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Genetics is an important piece of the puzzle, but they arent the only thing that you need to worry about. Al Gazali syndrome (1994) [72][73] Hodgson et al. Lebanese natives' genetic makeup is the most diverse of all four Arab nationalities. High Endurance - Good at power sports like bodybuilding and weightlifting. The Levantine component is the main autosomal element in the, The Maghrebi component is the main autosomal element in the, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 03:48. Also, contact your physician before starting any nutritional or training program. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2021. Bare lymphocyte syndrome high in western Arabic block Morocco, type II limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, type 2C in Libya, hemolytic-uremic syndrome in Saudia, ankylosing spondylitis in Egypt and East block, alpha-thalassemia in all countries except Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, cystic fibrosis in Iraq Saudi Yemen Libya Morocco, familial Mediterranean fever fmf in east block and Libya Morocco, beta thalassemia in all countries, g6dh deficiency all countries.[17]. Khalid: Before I begin the training I was very weak, my weight was 50 kg and my friends laughed on me because of the small size, and that what made me start the training to increase my size, I already had some muscles since I was training gymnastic and after weight lifting the muscles began to grow and I liked it, so I continued training. For the most part, your genetics are going to determine how your body looks when all of the work has been put in, and you can finally enjoy the results. Raj Kapoor is literally the Charlie Chaplin of Asia and the Middle East. Dude, im an arab from jordan and **** those are amazing pics. 67 people from all around the world took a DNA test and were then put in a room where the results were revealed to them out loud. And hope to get better ranking in the future. Answer (1 of 11): The genetic obsession of many Quorans fascinates me. Bad genetics are also apparent, especially in the bodybuilding community. launched in 2005, uses science to bring people together where politics have failed. 3. For example, a previous ancient DNA study found that a Copper Age culture centered near the modern-day Galilean village of Pekiin emerged from the admixture of a local population with Anatolian and Iranian newcomers. Shady: Whats your opinion about Arab bodybuilders level? Distancing of marriages from distant gene pools might help resolve the problem in Arabic countries. (One partial exception to this model would be the Philistines, who appear to have had at least some southern European ancestry.). Russell Wilson, the first QB in NFL history to throw a game-winning interception. Genetic testing profiling screening of pregnant women's fetuses for List of disorders included in newborn screening programs using Microchip Genetic Microarrary might help detect genetic mutations incompatible with life and determining abortion. Subscribe to get the latest news and fun happenings in the region. There, archaeologists found pottery vessels typified with the name Khirbeth Kerak Ware which bear strong similarities to the ceramics produced by the Kura-Araxes culture, a civilization that spanned the Caucasus region in the Early Bronze Age. But this does not mean he did not work hard for what he has achieved. Appears "naturally thin". Shady: Thanks you again for your time and this opportunity, any last words you would like to say to your Arab fans? Motivation from an Arab Woman Bodybuilder! These extraordinary individuals have gone on to become household names despite the biology that is against them. Further bolstering the theory of Caucasian admixture, Finkelstein notes, is the fact that the names of some Canaanite rulers mentioned in the 14th century-B.C.E. This same segment mutations are markers of Arabs in Genealogical and forensic profiling tests and studies. [4][5][6], Specific rare autosomal recessive diseases are high in Arabic countries like Bardet Biedl syndrome, Meckel syndrome, congenital chloride diarrhea, severe childhood autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy (SMARMD) He added that the study was the first comprehensive analysis to detect natural selection in the Arabian Peninsulas population. The most prominent traits that an Ectomorph body has would be: Lean muscle mass. Which race has the best or worst genetics for bodybuilding based on science \u0026 genetic studies? Get HUGE in 16 weeks - Buy the BEST Training Program for FAST muscle growth \u0026 strength: HSP Nucleus Overload (On Sale): Save 40% off with COUPON code: NUCLEUSOVERLOAD (limited time only) ABOUT ME \u0026 CONTACT INFO: CEO of Team3DAlpha, Creator of Nucleus Overload and HSP Training. Sleep. This study suggests there is a deep genetic connection of many Jewish groups today across the Diaspora and many Arab groups to this part of the world thousands of years ago, says David Reich, a Harvard University geneticist and one of the worlds top experts in the study of ancient DNA. Discuss all things related to male self-improvement, fitness (bodybuilding, strength, fat loss, Nucleus Overload, myostatin, sports, human physiology & evolution etc. Amarna documents from Egypt are not Semitic in origin but Hurrian, a language then spoken in northern Syria and eastern Anatolia. [1], Several organizations maintain genetic databases for each Arabic country. The older you get, the harder it is to stay skinny just keep that in mind the next time you plan on going to KFC for a bucket of chicken tenders. We know that the Canaanites were divided into various independent city states, many of them powerful in their own right, such as Megiddo, Hazor, Acre and so on. Muscle is damaged in the gym and repaired while you're sleeping. It is very convenient, and there's no one around to prove that it is, in fact, bull. That just wouldnt make sense (thanks, God!). After that I took a year off to add more bulk to my size, and in 2005 I competed in Mr. Universe, I got the first place and earned my pro card. Enjoy your viewing, you like and comment on the new video from us! So, dont stress about it- hard work trumps all. Russian girls use to literally strip for the guy when came off the airport. Sorry if I offended anyone with my trolling and sickening posts. Shady: What types of training you prefer the most? 2023 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement. Historically, Tunisia's location on the Mediterranean Sea contributed greatly to its broad genetic diversity. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent. [74], In 2021, a study showed no genetic traces of early expansions out-of-Africa in present-day populations in the Near-East, but found Arabians to have elevated Basal Eurasian ancestry that dilutes their Neanderthal ancestry. Stop worrying so much about overtraining. If youre good with food and enjoy hitting the gym, congratulations! It was Indians who traveled as gypsies to Europe and innovated the famous Flamenco Spanish dance. Khalid: I like always to change my training, sometimes I use machines, sometime free weight, heavy weights low reps or moderate with high reps, variety is very important to me. Shady: What are the most important things to success in the sport of bodybuilding? Punjabis have great bodybuilding and strength genetics. Well, its because of genetics. This can prevent you from making the progressive improvements . Of course, you have to consider both of your parents. were found to have a much larger percentage of Caucasian ancestry, with only around 20 percent of their genome deriving from the local Neolithic population. Im surprised Nasser El Sonbaty or El-Shahat Mabrouk didnt win mr olympia :P. Are arabs allowed to compete in Mr Olympia or just americans? 2. The Silk Road added genetic patterns from the farther north and east. This is the final and most hated body type, although I never understood why. Shady: Many Arab fans just recognize you as the professional bodybuilder champion Khalid al Mohsinawi; tell us a little about yourself? Along with sounding a health alert for modern populations, the research also sheds light on migration and environmental changes in the region. It's just genetics, period. The official Reddit of the Team3DAlpha YouTube Channel community. All rights reserved. Still, the genetic commonalities between modern Levantine groups and their Canaanite predecessors are strong. and our Our research spots the regions of the genome that might have induced active metabolism and hypertension in nomadic Kuwaiti forefathers, which may favor survival in harsh environments, said Dr. Eaaswar Muthukrishna, a genetics and bioinformatics expert at DDI. Super quick metabolism. [14] one of late Dr Teebi's syndromes. This site is only opinion based work and should not be followed. The theory was that there must be something very different in the genetic makeup that protected (the ancestors) from the weather, a lack of food and made their metabolism extremely low, said Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla, DDIs chief scientific officer and senior author of the study. Discover short videos related to middle east genetics body on TikTok. National Geographic's Genographic Project, 9 Lebanese compliments with hilarious literal translations, Egypt to go for Iraqi oil after Saudi drop. Here are some surprising discoveries on the genetic makeup of these four Arab nationalities. Somebody with solid genetics that just sits around all day isnt going to make the most of them, and thats the problem. This is fine if you live in hot weather and if you do not have a lot of food but this gene becomes a killer if you have plenty of food to eat, you sit in the air conditioning, and you change your environment. ME 3331: Thermodynamics (Spring and Fall 2019) 2. The good old days where you could be fat and happy while still entering bodybuilding competitions are long gone, and theyve been gone for a while now. In most of these, the percentage of ancestry matching that of the Bronze Age samples was above 50 percent. Earlier in 2016, a video produced by Momondo -a travel agency- was made to show the impact genographic tests can have on people's perceptions. These same segment mutations are also markers of Arabs in genealogical and forensic profiling tests and studies. Genetic studies on Arabs refers to the analyses of the genetics of ethnic Arab populations within the Middle East and North Africa. Researchers can then use these telltale markers of origin to build statistical models that show how much of our ancestry comes from one comparison group or another. Half an hour before the workout I have a protein shake and take some pre workout supplements, at 7:00 I start training with a my friend and training partner Robin, I finish training around 8:30-9:00 pm and have my post workout shake, after that I take another meal of rice and chicken, my last me is at 11:30-12:00 I eat six egg whites and 250 grams of chicken, then go to bed. Kuwait has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world; about 40 percent of the population is overweight. Due to their lightning-fast metabolism, every calorie they eat seems to disappear in seconds. Other Gulf countries are not far behind, and their populations are plagued by rising levels of associated disorders, including diabetes and hypertension. I dont think we are dealing with an invasion, Finkelstein adds. not too blocky. You can beat up most of the people reading this right now. Plus, if you're starting your workout sleep deprived, muscle strength and endurance are negatively affected. Weider spoke in Arabic at the opening gala; limos ferried delegates and contestants to first-class hotels; a visit to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was organised; while the . The Northern Caucasus (includingDagestanis and Abkhazians): 9 percent, 6. This is genetics. Ancient migrants passed through the Middle East when journeying from Africa to Eurasia. A sign of good genetics is that youre seeing results quickly, and you dont have to work too hard to get them. "middle-long distance (east? At present, the CTGA database is centrally maintained in Dubai, and hosts entries for nearly 1540 Mendelian disorders and related genes. Shady: what is your opinion about bodybuilding sport nowadays? Scholars also say belly dancing might have originated from gypsies too. Arabs have some of the best genetics generally speaking due to being the center of all the worlds power and itself having being the most powerful nations for centuries in the past. A study published in June found that 22% of men aged 18-24 reported muscularity-oriented disordered eating. Train hard, eat right, and make sure youve got the right supplements on your side. No amount of training can make the person on the left have even abs. 2014 found a distinct non-African ancestry component among Northeastern Africans (dubbed "Ethio-Somali"), which split from other West-Eurasian ancestries, most closely to the Arabian ancestry component, about 23,000 years ago, and migrated into Africa pre-agricultural (between 12,000 to 22,000 years ago). Genetics is a popular scapegoat for lazy people. These modern-day groups in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and parts of Syria share a large part of their ancestry, in most cases more than half, with the people who lived in the Levant during the Bronze Age more than 3,000 years ago, the study concludes. The Centre for Arab Genomic Studies (CAGS) is the main organization based in the United Arab Emirates. Khalid: Arabs in general are high level but they need more guidance, especially in knowledge about bodybuilding, bodybuilding is very popular in the Arab world and there are lot of people who train and reach good level, but as soon as they reach that level, they seem to find it hard to go above it, even though their number is a lot. long muscle bellies - especially important for the arms, lats, calves, chest and quads. The calculator will also tell you the relative . [13][61][55], Many of the genetic disorders specific to Arabs are located on HLA segment on chromosome 6. Smaller/lighter bone structure. He had a chest of 57 and carried himself with 28.5 thighs. specific mutations of Arab peoples, especially in countries. Power is the name of the game here, and gaining (both muscle and fat) will never be an issue for Endomorphs. Compound lifts rule. It is most closely associated with local Arabic-speaking populations. The most detrimental hereditary component is a lack of work ethic. We have no archaeological evidence of destruction or a major disruption in the Early Bronze Age.. 1. Ancient migrants passed through the Middle East when journeying from Africa to Eurasia. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [15] flash cards guide. There are even new Arabic names for emerging genetic disorders and syndromes like: Spectrum of Genetic Disorders in Arabs i dont think that arabs are any different to non-arabs, poeple are people. If youre the rail-thin person who has always had trouble putting (and keeping) on weight, youre likely going to be an Ectomorph. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For the ancestry of the Canaanites to be split halfway between locals and newcomers there would have had to be an influx of a significant number of people; and a question that begs to be asked is whether this inflow was an invasion or a peaceful migration. In 2004 I competed in Holland championship and got the first places, in the same year I competed in the European championship and won first place as well. The most prominent traits that an Ectomorph body has would be: In a nutshell, Ectomorphs are lanky and thin people we see during our daily routine. Collected for you muscle growth cuts and moments with an incredible size female workout! Below is the general distribution of Y-DNA haplogroups among populations native to the Arab world: The maternal ancestral lineages of Arabic countries are very diverse. The Middle East and north Africa Genomic diseases, I 'm just mad cause he 's stylin on *... 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arab genetics bodybuilding