castilian civil war eu4 not ending

The country loses 1 stability. After Granada became part of Castile in 1457. Selection of 4 random own provinces that are not the capital province: Noble rebels (size 1) rise in revolt and occupy the fourth province. As the civil war rages on, Champassak has emerged as an independent kingdom, ruled by a former Prince of Lan Xang. The opposition against $MONARCH$ has been attracting more supporters by the day and the possibility of a deposition is becoming very plausible. You can't swallow the three provinces. Please help with verifying or updating this section. The country had the event New Factional Powers and thereby chosen the option Support one side. Youll obviously need to swap your culture to Turkish, If you want to simply form Spain, which is in my opinion a slightly weaker path in terms of ideas although very powerful in expansion potential, you can just ignore the conversion to Sunni and then flip to either Orthodox or Protestant later on. (Never quote or otherwise publicly respond to moderation posts. All rights reserved. Soon there will be nothing left of our beloved nation. Portugal gets the event Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) in 10 days. If all has gone well, you should have the Iberian Wedding by now or soon, but regardless its time for Phase 2. Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt and occupy the second province. The conflict started after the death of king Alfonso XI of Castile in March 1350. If you managed to get a royal marriage with Austria, you can expect an event heir very soon. If you do, however, choose India, this is a nice way to do it, Arumba, our patron god, tells us not to use one colonist in multiple colonies. first, prerequisites as stated by the wiki: The country: is Castile. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Third Principle: Lives Are Cheap, so Buy Them. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in a random own core province. Personally, I kinda like the idea that some disasters are pretty much unavoidable once the conditions for triggering it have occured. That can trigger civil wars. The conquest of Morroco was slow but fruitful although some dignity had to be lost due to an alliance made with Portugal even after their betrayal (keeping a close eye on our friends to watch out for future missteps). There is now even support in our capital for the pretender. I've ticked all the boxes to end the disaster multiple times but its been going on for 100+ years now and I keep getting random stacks of pretender rebels spawning. Today, were gonna be sweating bullets as we do our best to maximize the potential that Castile has as a european and world power. at least one of the following is true for this country: Every owned provinces in Champasak and Khorat areas, Enacts government reform 'Mandala System', Gets a new ruler of our dynasty comes to power, Every owned provinces in Vientiane and Khorat areas, Every owned provinces in Luang Prabang area. After this, the whole province of Galicia took sides with Henry. is a monarchy. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. Warning: this can take a long time since the MTTH with everything in your favor is still very long, but its worth it, Since were sweaty tryhards however, I expect you to be like me and not stop until you get the inheritance, either through lots of war exhaustion or through being the scum of the earth (or you could just get it quickly), Youve now received a significant power boost, but remember not to state anything yet, because we arent quite ready for our culture shift and would hate to lose hundreds of points that we dont have to in order to restate the land after stating it when you dont need to. If you allied Burgundy, remove them as an ally now but you should keep a royal marriage with them. Regardless of whether or not it has happened at this point in your campaign, there are important things to know about when it DOES happen, Firstly, youre gonna want to declare war on Navarra immediately after the wedding fires so that you can feed them to aragon before they get any allies or trade leagues. You must log in or register to reply here. After the end of that war, I had my mind on them but due to the truce, I had to pay attention at the southern front to conquer what used to be helpless Granda which thanks to my war with Argon gave them time to make allies with Morocco and Tunis making it just a tiny bit harder to conquer but still managed to be taken easily among some lands from their Moroccan allies which set a foot another vision of a Castillian Maghreb. 4 Abilities Feudal De Jure Law: -5 to unrest Justified Wars: Reduced penalty to aggressive expansion Transfer Subject: Can make claims on provinces adjacent to existing claims Improved War Taxes: No cost for imposing war taxes Cavalry Armies: Increase allowed ratio of cavalry in an army by 20% Higher developed colonies: Colonies start with +1 to tax, production and manpower However I can't seem to end the civil war, I have +3 stability (a waste of points it seems) I kill . Therefore managing to establish Spanish Peru and New Granda in and around Central America. You can obviously go and peace out whoever they have allied, which tends to be serbia (although in my experience its better to just leave that for later), but this is where your relations with ottomans start to matter. Answer (1 of 2): If you mean how do you end the war itself, then it's pretty much the same as any other war. Check the amount of natives in the interface and put around double the troops to guarantee a wipe, Our first project will be tenerife for the Plus Ultra mission, but our real goal is to rush to india as fast as we can, The strategy were gonna utilize is building spy networks on people in other continents, then putting a colony next to them so that we have adjacency for a claim, The way it tends to go for me is that Ill use this to fabricate on Jolof, take their land and core it (Take every TC province that you can, theyre really powerful), then move on to benin, kongo, colonize the cape, then Ill use comoros to fabricate on the Madagascar natives in order to reach India, Youll want to enter through either the Maldives or Ceylon (Sri Lanka) because chartering land is too expensive and a no-cb entrance gives you too much AE, The alliance chains are rough, so make sure to bring 30k+ units for your Indian wars, Try to get 100% of Zanzibar quickly, as your Indian trade will have to flow through there in order to get sent home correctly. The disaster also ends if the pretender rebels can enforce their demands. They just keep popping back up. If you get the extremely rare case where they havent rivaled france, you can instead scornfully insult another of their rivals who is NOT the ottomans although it will shake it up a bit, Now, you can go ahead and pick your Level 1 Advisors, and leave your national focus to military. Castile had chosen option Support [Root.Heir.GetName] of the event Castilian Civil War then: Enabled if: You don't have anyone that really tries to murder you. In 1366, he officially deposed his brother as king of Castile, Len, Toledo, and Seville and had himself proclaimed king in the monastery of Las Huelgas. Castille is not a good beginner nation IMO and I don't know why people keep recommending it, Castille IS a good beginner nation. Which is far more than any other of my games xD. He had greatly extended the royal authority and had entered into a war with the Crown of Aragon (called "The War of the Two Peters"). A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by . Starting as the 7th rank great power with 270 development and one of the absolute best positions for reaching the world, everything you could want really is at your fingertips. However I can't seem to end the civil war, I have +3 stability (a waste of points it seems) I kill all the rebels that appear on the map and retake the place they took over, and yet the game still won't end it. Civil War never came into play in either game. We are at an evolutionary standstill and drastic measures must be taken to reclaim our nation's prominence and put an end to the infighting before it is too late. This tends to be inconsistent and can be avoided, I usually only get knowledge shared by Austria when they eventually get the institution, Once your country is prepared for the reconquista, declare war on granada and fully occupy them. On the Western extents of Castile the Americas are ripe for colonization as our efforts are extending swiftly at that end. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.32. Chapter 1: Argonian Outrage and Conquering of Granada (1444-1528)At the start of the game, the first 4 visible countries I encountered were Granada, Portugal, Navara, and Argon, and right off the bat, Navara was an easy country to vassalize under Castile, therefore, eliminating a potential enemy and earning a long-lasting ally. Ideally, you have Austria as an ally, and if you arent terribly unlucky you have either Aragon or Burgundy too. He refused, however, to make good on his dealings with the English and his allies, including the Prince of Wales himself, soon left. In the average game, my rivals consist of either France/England/Burgundy or France/England/Aragon, Youll want to improve relations with the ottomans in order to get military access from them later, which is going to be very important. Questions, Paradox you colonize bit later but can form spain still. Required fields are marked *. If these prerequisites are met, the monthly progress can begin. Get your warscore up to the point where the enemy will accept whatever peace deal you want then send a peace deal. Colonization. A Royal Marriage can sometimes be a blessing but in our weakened state, due to the clash between the monarch and the aristocracy, it is nothing less than a curse. The Castilian Civil War [1] is a disaster in Castile . But I understand there is some luck involved. Unfortunately, were gonna ignore that and use it as much as we can. Aragon gets the event Castilian Civil War (Aragonese event) in 20 days. Questions, Paradox Also the following events are triggered by a monthly pulse. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt and occupy the third province. A new such battle seems to be brewing and the succession is again in question. Chapter 6: Tales of the In BetweenOf course, not everything went as smoothly as it went in internal affairs as many loans were taken and multiple economic struggles were afoot between the English succession war all the way until the conquest of Morroco as well as many internal conflicts and rebellions which included the Castilian civil war which started during the Ottoman attacks on Castile around the 1480s which Castile immensely suffered many casualties from more internal than external. If you're the defender that's utterly standard. Was having a fun run as Castile but the Castilian Civil War disaster fired and wont end and has ruined the game. Hand all the forts you occupy to Byzantium to save money, but its important to save your manpower here, While you arent doing a whole lot with your diplomats, you can go ahead and improve relations with aragon / naples because they will be your subjects soon, After taking mil tech 4, switch to Admin or neutral focus. Other easy nation is Ottoman. 4-5 reloads and the end of the civil war hasn't fired. The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes Ramen Boy 1.25K subscribers Subscribe 4.8K views 1 month ago The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes =-= THE CASTILE SERIES!!! They were indeed extremely helpful but at the price of our Castilian dignity. the event Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) - option Support this Claimant. It seems like it is only there to paralyze you for the next 10 years.. how are you supposed to defeat 1x 30 stack and 2-3 10x stacks roaming :D. I had no idea that was even a thing. Aragon gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. or if the pretender rebels have enforced their demands. Any owned province (saved as targeted event): The country loses 25 administrative power. Declare war on Burgundy with either the rival CB or conquest, and get ready for the next step. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The weight that no event is triggered is 1000 and for each monthly event 100. Chapter 2: English Succession War (1472-1479)The unfaithful events of the succession war started what I foresaw to be the worst period of Castile after the Portuguese (our ally at the time) backstabbed us and started a very dirty succession war against us over England which was catastrophic since the French supported Portugal and we were not prepared for such a betrayal. This is tedious, and point heavy, so make sure to save up a few hundred admin points for it. In the wake of the conflict the balance of power between Royal power and that of the nobles has shifted, as has our relationship to our neighboring countries. I thought obnoxious scripted civil wars were only a Britain and Vijayanagar thing. However, use the conquest option instead of the return core section, because its actually cheaper for some reason, Greece should look like the picture, and thats big rival #1 out of the way. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_CastilianCivilWar.txt, PDXCON Meanwhile the supporters of [Root.Heir.GetName] are making overtures to the Portuguese crown in order to secure the position of their candidate.Things have now spiraled into open conflict and it seems increasingly likely that the faction without royal support will attempt to put their candidate directly on the throne rather than in queue for it. You can do this very often, and its a really nice source of money if you can keep your subjects happy. Your email address will not be published. Every owned core provinces except the capital province: The conflict has taken a most unexpected turn, some of the smaller factions have increased their power and influence immensely during the past few weeks. If Castile chose option Support [Root.Heir.GetName] of the event Castilian Civil War then: If Castile chose option Support the Aragonese Candidate of the event Castilian Civil War then: Portugal gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.31. In the midst of the ongoing chaos small but powerful factions have emerged and each one of them is trying to gain the upper hand by swaying important nobles from our court to side with them and their cause. A truce with Granada. For Tunis, blockade their coast and stand on the capital and the fort nearest it, If somehow you end up in the Castilian Civil War like I managed to (not sure exactly how to prevent it easily), just let the pretenders take over. Make sure to find time to embargo your rivals without missing an improve relations tick. This event fires only once for a country. Next ones depend on who has rivaled you. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Aragon) rise in revolt and occupy the third province. so, let's go over the Castilian Civil War. the start of Castilian Civil War disaster. Although this guide can work without that, it will be much more difficult for reasons that youll see quite soon, The very first thing you want to do is rival france and scornfully insult them. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/common/disasters/civil_war.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_CivilWar.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorLXA.txt, PDXCON The war chest is beginning to run low for several of the combatants and as a result some are asking for financial support. The Spanish Civil war is inconvenient and requires money to handle but it is just an inconvenience if you know to expect it. To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. If you have a problem PM a moderator.). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. the monthly pulse of Castilian Civil War disaster. It was fought primarily in Castile and its coastal waters between the local and allied forces of the reigning king, Peter, and his illegitimate brother Henry of Trastmara over the right to the crown. It won't take long before the whispers and rumors of plots to end the misrule will turn into reality and our nation will be plunged into a drawn-out power struggle. The AI chooses this option in 40% of cases. JavaScript is disabled. Valve Corporation. If you want to stick with europe, Anatolia is a great path, as well as France, Germany, and Italy. It just takes some planning ahead, sort of like France's wars of religion. Ive never had this disaster. England had attacked Burgundy which ended in a stalement and put my encomony in the sh*tter. Introduction Castile has proven to be an exciting playthrough with different unexpected twists that were challenging but rewarding as will be explained in the following post I have decided to modify by using chapters that try to follow a chronological order but mostly focus on certain events that happened between 1444-1532 in the game which will be referenced in each chapter as each chapter holds its own story but all intertwined within the gameplay. the war ended with a major Ottoman victory. did not have this disaster before. You just need to learn to be patient enough to kill mamluks. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The AI chooses this option in 20% of cases. Also, with regards to being perpetually at war: it is possible, if somewhat painful. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Aragon) rise in revolt and occupy the second province. 1. The War of the Roses on the other hand is usually an opportunity to get a really nice leader :) It wasn't the Spanish Civil war, it was called Castilian Civil war. France gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. With the Spanish defeat came an end to the policy of a closed empire; American trappers and traders journeyed into the region along the 1,000 mile Santa Fe trail beginning in Arrow Rock, Mo. the monthly pulse of the Civil War disaster. You may want to put your king or Alvaro de Luna on the stack for some extra speed. the heir's claim strength is less than 80. Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. Youve been improving relations to ensure that theyll give it to you so you can station a few troops in Kirkkilise. In 1368, Henry and Charles of France signed the Treaty of Toledo whereby the Castilians lent a fleet in the Bay of Biscay to the French in return for military aid on land. Any owned province (saved as targeted province): Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in targeted province. Probably because I made both of my ruler and heir generals, got them to die, had a Queen Regency, and got the Iberian Wedding in both. It has come to our attention that an individual of unknown origin has managed to sway the opinions of the leader of our favored faction. They follow the state religion. Number one is france, since they will be a nice snack for us later on down the line. @Carolina Reaper, yeah, that tends to happen with Portugal, that is why you ally Castille, break the useless alliance with England, and choose not to join offensive wars, and instead focus on development, colonization and exploration. i.e. Prominent nobles in [Root.GetName] have joined the revolt and taken up arms against us. He reentered Castile in 1369 and murdered Peter after the Battle of Campo de Montiel. Dont forget to set your new subjects to either siege or offensive! If Burgundy has rivaled you, rival them back, and its the same for Aragon if theyve rivaled you. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), The AI chooses this option in 80% of cases. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If not, England is a nice rival as well as morocco, but portugal can work just as well to fill the slot. rise in revolt in this province. We are at an evolutionary standstill and drastic measures must be taken to reclaim our nation's prominence and put an end to the infighting before it is too late. I personally just go for admin, but diplos fine if you want, Ally whoever spawned the renaissance so they can knowledge share it to you. Might be different in 1.25. That is your most reliable way of getting this. We don't have much time to turn this around, if we are to act this is the time or our nation will likely crumble before us. Peter fled to Bayonne, a city in English-held Gascony. otherwise it's easy. Take everything you know about a chill, peaceful, Castile game, and throw it out the window. But if you really want to avoid the disaster, you can chain wars and not die, the trick is in stalling them and dealing with war exhaustion - Tlemcen and Morocco are both good targets because you can stall the war indefinitely via naval superiority. Portugal and Aragon are not a subject nation other than a tributary state. What initially began as minor clashes between different factions has turned into pure mayhem. My current Monarch is some random kid I got in the reeds that has 6/5/5 stats, and the one the pretenders wants me to take is around 0/3/4 so I'd rather not take them up on it. Regardless its time for Phase 2 unavoidable once the conditions for triggering have. Rages on, Champassak has emerged as an ally now but you should keep a royal marriage with Austria you! In Castile for some extra speed between different factions has turned into mayhem. Wedding by now or soon, but portugal can work just as well to fill slot... Initially began as minor clashes between different factions has turned into pure mayhem england. The opposition against $ MONARCH $ has been attracting more supporters by day. The enemy will accept whatever peace deal questions, Paradox also the following events triggered..., Germany, and Italy england is a great path, as well to fill the slot mamluks... 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castilian civil war eu4 not ending