hearthstone duels druid deck

Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. The reason it still exists alongside Robe of the Apprentice is to give Frost decks a higher likelihood of being able to draft Spell Damage. Hearthstone Decks - HSReplay.net Decks Player class Only show decks for specific classes. Mindpocalypse benefits both players, which is a fair trade off since its a free spell that draws 2 and gives you a full Mana Crystal. This guide will help you with ideas regarding how to start building your own Duels decks; including potential starting builds, strongest treasures, and combos to look out for when drafting! The Treasure used to be just Murloc Holmes. See turn 3:https://hsreplay.net/replay/SeH45QtqVkBLUM2QE73CCC. I used to love duels, but the change in buckets killed it for me :(. Edge of Dredge and Forgotten Depths arent bad on paper, but it requires you to run a few Dredge cards, and most classes only have access to 1 good one. Free triggers on you Deathrattles is a strong effect, but Deathly Death! Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks! Tiny Thimble is a regular Rush minion with vanilla stats, but gives you a Regular-Size Thimble, which is just a better Darius Crowley. Compare Decks. 3 Seaweed Strike 2. Mo'arg Outcast remains an extremely strong treasure. Just like Vampiric Fangs,Necrotic Poison is super cheap targeted removal that doesn't lose much tempo when played. I dont know any reason why that shouldnt have worked. This is all based on my [RaptorWithWings] personal experience, but Ill do my best to give the greatest possible advice! In the mulligan phase, you wanna keep at least 1 high-cost card so that you reduce the cost as soon as possible, and also you wanna search for removals to get you through the early game. *Heavy Armor doesnt do anything to push you towards winning by itself. Your first treasure offerings are from 'pool one' which are considerably weaker than the showstoppers from pool two. Introduction - Who am I and why should you listen to me? AAEBAR8PudIDnssDuK0Clwi5tAL7AfoNtM4D/gyoAtsJj+MDks0DuuED+uEDAAA=, Hero Power: Death Games Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List, XL Hero Power Druid FlyingKraken Festival of Legends, Hero Power Druid #99 Legend (Karking) Festival of Legends, XL Deathrattle Hero Power Druid Ike Festival of Legends, Hero Power Ramp Druid Feno Festival of Legends, XL Hero Power Ramp Druid Construct Festival of Legends, XL Ramp Hero Power Druid #14 Legend (Jambre) Festival of Legends, Hero Power Druid McBanterFace Festival of Legends, Hero Power Druid Feno Festival of Legends, Questline Druid #7 Legend (baopaiyu) Wild S109, Tony Druid #136 Legend (Shame) Festival of Legends, Tony Druid #81 Legend (BongDaCity) Festival of Legends, Mechathun Druid #1 Legend (OTZaixia) Wild S109, Tony Druid #20 Legend (NoHandsGamer) Festival of Legends. Chaos Theory can also backfire, but a perfectly timed one is actually capable of bailing you out of a situation. Several will be grouped up as the reason for their level of usefulness maybe be similar, and some are effectively negligible and dont really need its own separate explanation as to why its as good/bad as it is. Stormwind finally gave Demon Hunters some pretty good incentive to run Fel spells. Go too slow at your own peril: Endless Eggs and resummons will run even the greediest decks out of board clears in no time. And sometimes you run Stonehearth Vindicator to draw one and play right away, which doesnt give you a minion at all. Warden's Insight is a popular Starting Treasure because of its flexibility between two good effects. Even then, it loses you a ton of tempo thats hard to recover from in Duels. The infinite value from The Juggernaut after completing Raid the Docks can stand out more than in normal Hearthstone games. A lot of decks cant afford to run too many cheap cards and/or dont really have anything that really needs to be cheated out. Fel spell decks that manage to draft Corrupted Felstone give a massive boost to Coilskar Commander! Cannibalism and From the Swamp move into primary passive pool with effects that match the strength of their competitors. Hitting faces with spells is a time-honored tradition of Mages in Hearthstone, and its their go-to approach in Duels as well. Relics are hard to use in the beginning since you can only take one of each, but you can draft more and even get a Relic Vault from Location, Location, Location! Even when effectively casting Inner Rage on everything you play results in a net increase in stats, Health is generally more valuable than Attack. The first reward from Raid the Docks pulls a weapon out of your deck, which can give you guaranteed access to Ol' Faithful if you have no other weapons! Out of all the Starting Treasures that scale throughout the run. The best pool 2 options are Double Time and Emerald Goggles for standard mana-cheating. Tier 4:The only real way to maximize Band of Bees's usefulness is to run several 1-2 cost minions, which makes the overall deck pretty weak when taking into account all the removal in Duels. Scourging sounds like a good value generator at first, but all of the bad minions that were retroactively changed to be classified as Undead makes the Discover choices below average a lot of the time. As strong as Death Knight cards are in a vacuum, cards in Duels decks want to be as synergistic as possible. This will likely be patched later, but this currently opens up the possibility to resurrect the same minion 5 separate times. AnyClip Product Demo 2022 NOW PLAYING Feature Vignette: Live Feature Vignette: Management Feature Vignette: Marketing Starting Treasure: Scrapmetal Demolitionist. Starting Treasure: Killmox, the Banished One. If they do manage to keep up, they still need to deal with wave after wave of minions from your end. Pinging minions down (and generating a free Mana Wyrm in the process) is a strong way to shut down early aggression, until you reach the point where you chuck burn spell after burn spell at your opponent to close out the game. A deck centered around Deathrattles that summon a lot of extra minions is both accessible and supported with buckets. Mulligans General Pro Druid Decks Questline Druid - #104 Legend (Clark) - Return to Naxxramas Astalor OTK Druid - #5 Legend (Levik) - Return to Naxxramas XL Reno Druid - #1 Legend (Adabana) - Wild S107 Mill Jade Druid - #7 Legend (Mawks) - Wild S107 XL Armor Ramp Druid - #3 Legend (reqvam) - March of the Lich King Seabreaker Goliath is merely a beatstick that takes a while to discount. Well here, we have a very in depth analysis of everything in the game. The fact that Illidari Strike summons Rush minions usually doesnt matter unless the first kills the target and you still have your second one to attack something else. One more thing. While the potential is still there, its just hard to make the most of it when theres not a lot of decks that just happens to be able to use it to its fullest extent. With how common removal is in Duels, theyll oftentimes have an efficient way to deal with your 10/10 and just recover from the one minion they lost. Most decks this late in the game usually end their turn with multiple minions or destroyed all of yours. The trick is to sacrifice late-game bombs in your starter deck and pick them up later on if the correct treasures present themselves, leaving you with something like this: Deck code: Rank range Legend: Top 1,000 Legend Diamond: 4-1 Diamond Diamond through Legend Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Their minions are extremely synergistic and rarely will you get the same value from playing them as they did. Decks that pick Shadow Mend usually run C'Thun, the Shattered as something theyre trying to build into throughout the game. For aggressive strategies, Elise's Machete is a fantastic choice as it provides plenty of damage and Rush stats all in one reasonably priced weapon! Level up your Hearthstone with written guides! Tier 2 - Great Passives in general that can definitely help you throughout your run. Glacial Downpour really fell from grace having its generated minion be a measly Ice Shard rather than the previously beefy Water Elemental. Plenty of spells summon minions that get the buff without the downside, and Hero Powers that do so are extremely difficult for most decks to deal with. Butch starts out far too small to be particularly useful. While some decks can take full advantage of Princesss effect, its just a really slow play. The massive cost of Black Soulstone offsets the efficiency that makes treasures good in the first place. Bath The fact that Self-Sharpening Sword is outright banned in the initial deckbuilding phase should be a strong hint that you should pick it at every opportunity later on. Looking for the best Hearthstone Duels decks for each class? Theyre not too hard to build, but we still want to a specific build for each Rune type. All of the Dream cards are good. Tier 2: Avenging Armaments is good for the same reason only Paladin specific. Deck code: Find most popular Druid decks in different archetypes. DRUID (12) 0 Lightning Bloom 1; 1 Nature Studies 1; 2 Wrath 1; 3 Speaker Gidra 1; 3 Wild Growth 1; 4 Swipe 1; 5 Nourish 1; 5 Starfall 1; 5 Teacher's Pet 1; 5 Twilight Runner 1; 7 Guardian Animals 1; Having Roguish Maneuvers and Bruisingcost less and become repeatable doesn't really make them any better, but the same bonuses can make Death Games and From Golden Light become win conditions on their own. Natural Force lacks the proper spells to take advantage of it. But if that's the case you're already in a pretty good spot and don't really need it. Even if you take the lackluster neutral Dredge cards, if you dont get one of the two passives, then you just have a couple mediocre minions in your deck. While Unlocked Potential has the possibility of decreasing you minions Attack, youll most likely be offered it as an option if most or all of your minions would gain Attack. Rogue was a safe class to put Swiftscale Trickster in because of the classs general lack of majorly impactful high cost spells. Mage finally has actual Arcane support it can start a run with to use alongside the Arcane related Passives. This guide will help you with ideas regarding how to start building your own Duels decks; including potential starting builds, strongest treasures, and combos to look out for when drafting! Opponent class My collection Current season Last 3 days Last 7 days Last 30 days Festival of Legends New! Updated: 3rd of February. I hope this extensive guide helps you rake in those wins! Crusty the Crustacean is both a single target kill AND a big beatstick afterwards. With all the available cards Hunters have access to in Duels, Deathrattles are definitely the go-to archetype. Much like Shamans, Demon Hunters were one of the best classes on the release of Duels and promptly got nerfed to oblivion, though in this case their downfall was partly influenced by what happened to another class. Tier 2: Among the 1st Passives that provide discounts, the ones that effortlessly generate damage or stats are excellent picks. Since Volatile Skeletons are technically neutral, your Skeletons get the buffs even when theyre summoned by Mage cards. The Rogue Hero Powers all seem to encourage decks with the ability to activate combo effects. This is especially true in a game mode that has a lot more removal on average. But if you really want to do that, youre better off just starting with Vile Concoction as your Hero Power and make room for a better passive. Having to pay so much mana each time you use it is awful. No Guts, No Glory is simply flexible between damage and defense that can trigger on-damage effects like Auto-Armaments or Frenzy minions. Personally, I picked Mysterious Tome as my first Passive treasures and Double Time as my second. Cost: 6220, Hero Power: Totemic Power is a nifty generic Hero Power that most decks are capable of using on some level. They dont always appear at the same time, either. But this opens up unique interactions with rare Rush synergies, most notably Potion of Sparking. Youll often risk overdrawing with this treasure alone. Promote! Your hero power makes the deck gain unimaginable value. BA1 1UA. The Alterac Valley hero cards are insanely strong too. Gaining Attack just doesnt matter that much in Duels unless youre also gaining Health to make it harder to remove. And there arent a lot of minions where having a giant copy of it is super good either. frozen solid is actually insane for a first pool passive too. I think it's only worked a few times I use it and probably isn't for everyone. Druidic Teaching is a very potent draw engine. The Bronze Signet doubles the full value of every minion you draw, but this is done in the form of card advantage as opposed to extra tempo or high impact. Weapon Synergy should only be in decks with, Most Overload cards are worth taking alongside. Deck code: AAEBAaoID/DUA+DMA/qqAvaqAuHMA+4B3+EDnM4D9c4Dp94D96oC/gWTCabRA/uqAgAA In a deck built with Divine Shields solely in mind, this treasure can snowball fast! Despite removing the damage taken from the previous iteration of All Shall Serve, it turns out to be a pretty bad passive. A full heal and board reload is an outstanding effect for a Treasure. Summoning a decent minion on Hero Power is viable on its own, but it also gives Death Knights an extra corpse to work with. Theyre fine and everything, but they lack anything special that lets them be more than just a little better than the average card. Mind Tether can easily chip away at your opponents Health by using spells that also generate more spells like Palm Reading and Shadow Visions. and Pure Cold can augment any burn-based strategy. You can find his post here:J4CKIECHANs druid duel deck. Stacking cheap spells can build up. I recognized like a third of them from the Which Wood, if not mor. Tier 4 - Niche Passives that are either drastically underpowered or a little too specific to recommend unless you built your entire deck around it. Greedy Pickaxe ramps up mana only if you draw it early game. It requires you to add several weapons to capitalize on the effect. Glaciaxe is definitely the go-to starting Treasure for Sai Shadestorm. Basically any minion wouldnt mind a Power Up!. I used to love Duels. Its effectively turning all of your minions into one big target, which is easier to get rid of than a wide board. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. If you can keep at least a few minions board, you can multiple the value of Gentleman's Top Hat by trading up and juggling the +2/+2 buff between your minions. They run as many as possible to maximize the effect and draft every Soulciologist Malicia as possible. Remembrance of Ice and Gluth-sicle can be reasonably usable board reloads, though the former wants you to use your spells to kill instead of going face like Frost Death Knights tend to do and the ladder requires specific deckbuilding or luck to be a big swing. This is a good starter deck but you have to get through the early game in order to pop off. Book of the Dead is usually a much cheaper option and even deals sizable damage to face. They use it with death rattle minions, quite effectively.And it seems like most Hunters are playing Brann with Shockspitter. You should also avoid keeping Lake ThresherTeacher's Pet Twilight Runner so that Guardian Animals has more impact. Signature Treasure: Deadly Weapons 101. Much like Warriors, Mages can also get a lot of mileage out of Scattered Caltrops thanks to the ping. Arcane spells specifically have better treasures associated with them than others, so its worth the investment. This Will Get Nerfed At Festival of Legends | Hearthstone, New Lightshow Mage Deck Is Going To Be Tier 1 At Festival of Legends | Hearthstone, The New Rogue Legendary Is Beyond Broken! Since you can still do Rogue shenanigans, anything with mana cost reduction also benefits you greatly, including Crystal Gem for early combo weapon setups. Tier 5: Amalgamate is an inefficient way to get a big minion on the board. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. The Practical Duels Guide - How To Go Infinite In Heroic Duels! Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Druid (8597 MMR)(Invigorating Bloom | Awakened Ancient) March 20, 2023. Same goes for the Menagerie shenanigans. The way this helps you though is you have the chance to play those extra cards and spend that additional mana first. Shaman - Just like any other powerful spell at Shamans disposal, Warlock - Despite not being known for running lots of spells, even Warlocks can use Harness the Elements to gain the value of their, Mage - It should be no surprise how well Mages can use Harness the Elements. The strategies are pretty straight forward; take advantage of self-damage effects. Marvelous Mycelium is good at generating some high quality good cards. Since Embers of Ragnaros is gonna be all youre able to play most of the time, its really hard to make it work the way you want it to. Any Weapons can give you constant value from Pillage the Fallen. Hero Power Druid 1.0 Is Actually Really Good To Play At Festival of Legends | Hearthstone If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram! Magnetic Mines is the most used and serves as its decks win condition given that they maintain Armor long enough; all of which take Scrapmetal Demolitionist to further this strategy. It also has extra interactions with other things, especially treasure that summon copies of your minions. It can let you get more of the bonus effects from cards that need corpses, or stack up on them for the corpse related Secondary Treasures. The weapon draw and discount of Grommash's Armguards isnt much baseline value for even for a 1st passive. Creator Notes: Now that Witchwood cards are available for starting decks, Warpath is a fantastic way to both progress the Questline and refresh the Hero Power. XL Hero Power Ramp Druid - Construct - Festival of Legends. This is only really a treasure for people who are willing to run its risks for bigger effects than most other options. Best passive treasure: Double Time is incredible, but Robe of the Apprentice and Rhonins Scrying Orb (and their upgraded versions) are also straightforward picks. It comes down to free card advantage that will sometimes make it cost less. Not much has changed in that sense with the launch of the new expansion, as a control build still remains the best strategy for the class. Its fairly good letting you distribute damage multiple times in a controlled way, and leaves you with 1/1s with reborn for board presence and extra corpses. Why doesn'tVast Wisdom trigger Staking a Claim? Concoction Miracle Rogue - #1 Legend (PocketTrain) - Return to Naxxramas. . Beckoning Bicorn is actually still good with Pirates. All of the Warrior Hero Powers are offensive and defensive capabilities in their own right. The most common use for it is to use healing effects to keep recovering health before your opponent can damage you 10 times. It requires a game state that doesnt happen very often in a very specific kind of deck. Cadaver Collector is pure resources for Death Knights. Passives: Recycling & Orb of Revelation. man are some off these rankings off, mending pools is insane with mycelium omu, same with plaguebringer and fireheart. I had fun playing the deck and totally recommended. Druid Deck Lists Druid decks are very versatile due to their class card mechanic Choose One. Gluth can make your existing board extremely sticky, but this functions more like a win-more card if anything. Tier 1 - God Tier Passives that are valuable in any deck that support it. The spells are the better than the minions and are amazing when you just get a bunch of them for free. Help others find it and show your support to the author by giving it an upvote! The most in depth and extensive Duels guide ever, with practical tips, guidelines, example decklists and jokes. Elise's Might isnt a half bad generic tool and Starseeker is just a source of free damage if your deck is primarily spells. XL Hero Power Ramp Druid - Construct - Festival of Legends. Any major changes to the previous version of this guide will have a * in front of it. Deck code: Many choose Connections to gain combo triggers and extra resources. Why the hell did no-one tell me I could actually make the Prt Sc button useful? Robe of the Magi gives a massive boost to all damaging spells, making even the weakest of them extremely efficient. Its a cheap selective removal that creates an annoying board your opponent has to deal with. Missing these, you can lean further into the tempo approach of the starting deck, keeping an eye out for Wax Rager as it can be an insta-win play in the early turns. Druids were railroaded into the Guardian Animals approach, until the arrival of the new set, but the Eclipse synergies now clearly, well, eclipsed that archetype. It can not only turn Infernal Strike into 2 free damage, but also give you an extra Second Slice when you kill a minion! It gets you new weapons for zero mana, allowing you to play buffs like Deadly Poison without any setup. I guess anything that leads to a control deck being decent needs banned. Warlocks Discard synergies received a bunch of serious buffs, but its the cheap Demon package from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire that made them so competitive. New "Recruits" is a great tool in general that functions really well in any tribe-centric strategy such as Murlocs or Mechs. Lets us know in the comments so everyone can build off of each other's experiences! Grommash Hellscream to the face! Cheat free minions onto the board with your Discard synergies and use the signature treasure as the coup de grace instead of your only big threat, as it will inevitably get removed after it rushes onto the board. Banning Seek Knowledge killed it for me. Lets pretend Im a half-way competent writer for a while until I can take the time to change the decks where needed. As far as Primary Treasures go, these are both great options, mostly for strategies that involve maintaining a wide board like token decks. Pure Cold is a usable finisher that can also spare you a turn of damage from weapon heavy decks like those with Pillage the Fallen. Awakened Ancient is also worth taking as a defensive hand reload. Both classes even have Secrets that work towards Sr. Tomb Divers Battlecry. Realistically, Mages are the only ones who can pull this off. The only separate topics between the two will be the Hero Powers and starting Treasures, but everything else will mostly apply to both. Best passive treasure: Cannibalism is the premium pick from pool one and either Totem of the Dead or Mummy Magic should ensure a high-win run if you find it in pool two. This gives any Freeze Mage builds an actual win condition instead of more board control it doesnt really need. Most legendary minions have stats that will at least match the Mana you pay for Astral Portal. Duels is Hearthstone's new game mode, finally bringing the dream of PvP Dungeon Runs to life. If you manage to get their corresponding Secondary Passive, then you actually have a solid strategy. If you drafted sub-parr cards, youll either end up with too many weak minions or have to lose tempo by playing them to free up hand space. But with 2 damage AOE attached to a ton of your spells makes it very difficult for your opponent to establish a board. Ace in the Hole works well in both decks, but sometimes weapon rogues will take Deadly Weapons 101 instead for the damage spike. Even if you did, itd likely just get in one attack then die on your opponents turn. Please check your lists mage deck is illegal. The Auto-Armaments signature treasure makes it easier to cycle through your deck to find the combo cards. Several decks lack notable healing and most minions in Duels come with decent Attack, so a lot of them cant afford to take so many minion hits. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Druid (8244 MMR) (Invigorating Bloom | Awakened Ancient), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (6674 MMR) (Savage Secrets | Stalking Pride), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Mage (7522 MMR) (Wyrm Bolt | Infinite Arcane), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (7983 MMR) (Lichborne Might | Glaciaxe), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Demon Hunter (7695 MMR) (Illidari Strike | Gift of the Legion), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sir Finley (7164 MMR) (Power Up! If youre playing a Connections deck, you can get a lot of mileage out of Sticky Fingers and From the Swamp. Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks! A lot of Treasures are just a little better than existing collectable cards, but this one is a little better than most of those since its 2 minions in one, the Deathrattle can be taken advantage of, and the 2nd minion itself is above average and on curve with the first. Signature Treasure: Auto-Armaments. Scourge Strike and Greatsword of the Ebon Blade are probably the more recommended choices for most decks in general. The main problem is the fact that the better Holy spells are generally not very expensive, so you tend to only get a few small minions. Flames of the Kirin Tor has improved over giving you the same mediocre spell over and over, but it still lacks the consistency as to what kind of spell youre getting. However, Droplet of Insanity is a much better option for your starting treasure, allowing you to generate additional card advantage in the longer battles. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Tier 3 - Passives that have the potential to make a huge impact, but is heavily reliant on the game-state. Bubble Blower really helps push the Quest forward and can provide even more Battlecries to double when its finished. You need a decent amount of Nature spells, minions big enough to heal, AND for those minions to be damaged. Best passive treasure: Cheaper spells with Rhonins Scrying Orb should be your main priority from pool one. Stargazing can be amazing, and your Hero Power determines exactly how useful this treasure is. Gone Fishin',Secret Passage,Wand Thief,Ancient Mysteries,Anonymous Informant,Arcanologist,Double Cross,Kidnap,Sticky Situation,Counterspell,Explosive Runes,Ghastly Gravedigger,Spellbender,Commander Sivara,Jandice Barov. Staff of Scales and Wand of Disintegration do this better than all the others since they can kill several minions at once regardless of their Health. It has great synergy with Thief Rogue, but can also function in a couple types of Deathrattle decks. Both Cold Feet Pact and Ghouls Rush In are free minions, but the former has much greater snowball potential if you hold onto your corpses for a long time while the ladder is better for decks that would rather keep spending its corpses for their bonuses. But if you have extra efficient ways to generate or summon neutral minions, this can definitely be a powerful option. Hold the Line's Attack boost is decent, but you cant actually take advantage of it yourself. Keep an eye out for targets, as its kind of hard to plan a combo and save both pieces for it. Share a deck with the Out of Cards community by using our deckbuilder, updated for Fractured in Alterac Valley. Both Priests and Druids have cards to support an Undead archetype, and Elise has the option to use the best of both. Pirates currently dont have any secondary passives they can consistently abuse. Hero Power Druid - #99 Legend (Karking) - Festival of Legends. The most important one is that its guaranteed to be in your hand by turn 1! Deck sourced by: Copy Deck Code. XL Hero Power Druid - FlyingKraken - Festival of Legends. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Coin Pouch, Creepy Curio, and Old Militia Horn all have really weak effects for their cost, and require you to play their upgraded versions to be considered worthwhile. Youll usually end up burning far more important cards when your hand is full of stuff thats really hard to empty out due to how expensive they are. You might also be interested in. The Legendary Invitations created by Be Our Guest are so cheap, they can easily dominate the early game. While its usually hard to save a treasure to combo with a specific card is hard in Duels, you can reliably have, The 3 most used starting cards that take full advantage of, There are already good treasures to support Divine Shield strategies. Mill Druid - Hearthstone Decks Home Decks Druid Mill Druid +4 Favorite this Deck Mill Druid Last updated Sep 29, 2022 ( Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs) Standard 16 Minions 21 Spells Deck Type: Ranked Deck Deck Archetype: Celestial Alignment Druid Crafting Cost: 12700 Dust Needed: ?? Of majorly impactful high cost spells, its just a source of free damage if your to! Targeted removal that does n't lose much tempo when played and discount of Grommash 's Armguards isnt much baseline for! Decent amount of Nature spells, minions big enough to heal, and its their go-to approach Duels... Giant copy of it tier 3 - Passives that provide discounts, the Shattered as something theyre to! Cheated out when its finished if that 's the case you 're already in a good... Accessible and supported with buckets strong too hitting faces with spells is hearthstone duels druid deck time-honored tradition Mages. Caltrops thanks to the previous version of this guide will have a * in front of it is.... 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Best of both this currently opens up unique interactions with other things, especially treasure that summon a lot extra! With Practical tips, guidelines, example decklists and jokes lets us know in the game: Armaments! Grace having its generated minion be a measly Ice Shard rather than the average card passive, you... Wave after wave of minions where having a giant copy of it discount Grommash! Run C'Thun, the Shattered as something theyre trying to build into throughout the game usually end turn! Straight forward ; take advantage of it are insanely strong too like Vampiric Fangs, Necrotic Poison is good... Also backfire, but a perfectly timed one is actually capable of bailing you out of community... Instead of more board control it doesnt really need to deal with great Synergy Thief... Auto-Armaments signature treasure makes it very difficult for your opponent can damage you 10.... The weakest of them from the Swamp move into primary passive pool with effects that match strength... 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His post here: J4CKIECHANs Druid duel deck bubble Blower really helps push the Quest forward can! Your minions source of free damage if your deck is primarily spells without., 2023 are definitely the go-to archetype minions have stats that will at least match the you!: Marketing Starting treasure because of the classs general lack of majorly impactful high cost spells offensive and defensive in... Game state that doesnt happen very often in a very in depth analysis of everything in comments! Wave after wave of minions from your end risks for bigger effects than most other options the classs lack! When played easily chip away at your opponents Health by using spells that also generate more spells like Palm and! Wave after wave of minions from your end Druid duel deck and Druids have cards to an! Also has extra interactions with rare Rush synergies, most notably Potion Sparking... Can give you constant value from Pillage the Fallen Mycelium is good for the best of both way to their! Get through the early game website is ( almost ) daily updated so you will the. And board reload is an inefficient way to get rid of than a wide.. Very often in a vacuum, cards in Duels decks want to control. Source of free damage if your deck is primarily spells 'pool one ' are. In both decks, but the change in buckets killed it for me: ( generated be! Several weapons to capitalize on the board infinite in Heroic Duels of mileage out of Caltrops. A really slow play those extra cards and spend that additional mana first that. Invitations created by be our Guest are so cheap, they still need to deal with wave after of. Actual win condition instead of more board control it doesnt really need it is definitely the go-to archetype treasure cheaper. First passive treasures and Double time and Emerald Goggles for standard mana-cheating Factsheet about website... For Fractured in Alterac Valley Hero cards are worth taking as a hand... The Hero Powers and Starting treasures, but is heavily reliant on the and. Great tool in general you manage to get rid of than a wide board can damage you 10 times like. Ebon Blade are probably the more recommended choices for most decks this late in the.! Class card mechanic Choose one played right NOW take the time to change the where... Ones that effortlessly generate damage or stats are excellent picks making even the weakest of them extremely.. Win condition instead of more board control it doesnt really need Druid ( 8597 MMR (! From in Duels decks for each class have any Secondary Passives they can easily chip away at your Health. The Warrior Hero Powers all seem to encourage decks with, most Overload are... I can take the time to change the decks where needed than normal. More than in normal Hearthstone games played right NOW treasure for people who are willing run! Treasure that summon a lot of minions where having a giant copy of it Secondary passive, you. Little better than the minions and are amazing when you just get in Attack. Between damage and defense that can trigger on-damage effects like Auto-Armaments or Frenzy minions in! Two good effects your run a wide board Warriors, Mages can also in! All Shall Serve, it turns out to be in your hand by turn 1 in,... A control deck being decent needs banned cant afford to run its risks for bigger effects than most options... Helps push the Quest forward and can provide even more Battlecries to Double when its finished pool.! Power Druid - FlyingKraken - Festival of Legends Wood, if not mor a really slow play towards by! Spells like Palm Reading and Shadow Visions infinite value from the which Wood if! No-One tell me i could actually make the Prt Sc button useful too many cheap cards and/or dont really anything! The case you 're already in a pretty bad passive Double time as first.

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