little miss mikaelson

Hayley continues to care for Hope as she helps Freya take care of Elijah and Kol's wounds. Hope takes the knife and plunges it into the Necromancer's forehead. She and Roman talk more again and they decide to head to New Orleans. Actually, Hope's come to thank him for helping bring back her humanity. Hope finds herself overwhelmed, all of her senses are heightened and she's confused. But when he arrived, he found an imposter and wanted to find out why Malivore was wanting Cleo. Chronological information Later that night, Hope joins Landon and Wade to play D&D. Hope wonders if she should speak to Alaric for her, but Lizzie wants to break the news. Hope talks with Alaric, Lizzie and Josie via astral projection, and Alaric warns her about Kai. However, when Klaus tells her his mother's story, Hayley comes to understand a little about Esther, because she is out of her mind about having to give Hope to Rebekah and can't imagine if her child was dead. In Savior, Hope attends Christmas with Jackson, Hayley, Freya, Elijah, Rebekah and Camille at the Mikaelson Compound. She is then even more surprised that he can't be compelled and walks with MG, Alaric, and Landon when they take him to the cellar. She should kill Malivore now, while she still has the chance, despite being in Landon. She notices the flowers on her nightstand shrivel and die, and knows that her father is at the compound. As Hope struggles to stand, Ken raises the spear to land a killing blow. Landon appears to her, apologizing for interrupting. Divide and conquer was standard power-couple stuff. Rebekah Mikaelson ( Elder Futhark: ) is a supporting character in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth seasons of Teen Wolf. Hope mocks her attempt, but Finch is planning to do something that Josie wouldn't. As a child, she had long auburn hair and light blue eyes. She wonders what he remembers. Soon after, she is injured by Landon when he tackles her, giving her the perfect opportunity to leave and seek medical help. Hope returns with Marcel. '' ' . '' MG wants to go get the keys to release her but she refuses. MG continues that they can't offer an explanation until they talk to him about it first. Rebekah, unfortunately, couldn't make it. The way she lived her life earned her the option of finding peace when she died. A new one was created by Damon Salvatore, from parts of the Wickery Bridge which came from the saplings of the original tree. Hope sometimes jokes with Alaric saying that she'll need a new fighting mentor being Alaric is growing older. She walks in and no sooner, she sees her mother strapped to a chair. Hope points out that just leave him and he assures her that he'll hang back and support them with cover fire, so long as his leg holds up. Born Now it's time for them to go to war. Realizing the gravity of her mistake Lizzie then recalls all of her wishes by wishing that Ablah never went to Malivore. She uses the sire bond to force Lizzie to be her partner in crime. Little Miss Mikaelson Opening the sarcophagus, she stabs Aurora with the trident and regains her body. She quips that she could even be right behind her, which prompts Hope to look over her shoulder. Despite her objections, Landon is going to come with her. Hope storms into the gym with Lizzie in tow. Hope can't outrun her trauma forever. Lizzie couldn't see things clearly like everyone else because she was in so deep. Rebekah is pushing her on the swing when she notices her mother's starlings staring at her. During his funeral, she chooses to keep her father's ashes so he's always closer to her. Feeling alone in the world, Hope goes to Alaric's office and confesses everything, revealing that she is in fact the daughter of Hayley Marshall-Kenner and Klaus, and a Mikaelson. Lizzie was right about her and what she said about her dark side. How her parents can't wait and she promises to her three things: a safe home, people to say how they love her every day and people to fight for her, no matter what. Rebekah has prided herself as the fun aunt. She kept this promise by choosing to send Hope away with Rebekah to keep her safe from those that would wish her harm in New Orleans. Just because everyone keeps telling her that she needs to accept death, doesn't mean she has to choose it. A woman barges in and demands to purchase the bust, but Hope refuses to part with it. He explains that the gods are his extended family and he knows them all too well considering they cursed him. Klaus destroyed her life, and her sanity over the course of centuries. A bolt of lightning strikes the Earth and Ken emerges from the dust. Hope breaks the scythe and tosses it into the lake and vamps away leaving him and the Ferryman on the dock. In Was This the Monster You Saw?, Hope crashes Alaric's welcome home party, startling those in attendance. Tearing up, Hope takes Alaric into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could have. The mistress of the house, however, has been expecting her. Lizzie didn't want Hope to endure the transition to a tribrid, hoping they could find another way to defeat Malivore. She's only getting started and demands to know where he sent Landon. Her fight is here, with her. She was the mother of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. Landon doesn't think he can, but like when they stepped into the Malivore pit, they'll do it together. Hope declares it his lost and leaves. Avangaline Salvatore moved away whilst she and her brothers were still human. That is, however, until one night, our youngest brother was killed by our village's greatest threat. In The Map of Moments, Hope is first seen with her uncle and aunt in her cradle in their Safe House where her aunt bring her and her unconscious uncle to follow Klaus' order. Rebekah's words clearly affecting her, Hayley heads to Jardin Gris, inquiring wolfsbane in an attempt to abort the baby. They had a home and stuck together and he never thought she'd be stupid enough to throw that away. However, being honest, she believes she's the opposite of peaceful. Opening up the box, it's the urn that holds her father's ashes. MG attempts to plead with her that this is her home and these are her friends that she's spent years getting to know. The two make out and it's shown that Landon can levitate, until they both drop to the floor laughing. Later that night, she gives back Lizzie the dress and the two share their problems with each other. Part of the Guerrera's alliance with the witches involved handing over the pregnant Hayley so that they could sacrifice Hayley and Klaus' baby daughter to gain more power for the coven. She listens when her mother tells her about turning into a wolf and they think of a plan. The three original bloodlines, all united under a single purpose. Though, the Hollow briefly leaves her body when Freya uses a sleeping powder, knocking her unconscious, circumventing its effects. She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. In The Feast of All Sinners, the Hollow continues to use Hope as her vessel, though she is placed under a second sleeping spell by Marcel. If she was in control of their mind, then this stake would have been red oak. She had always known about the supernatural and she knew the risks. Hope retches again, as Rebekah admits that she is a hypocrite. After the locusts disappear, they go to the sight where the FEMA team is helping the citizens. These tensions are increased by the qareen, who causes issues around the Salvatore School, which eventually leads to tensions between Hope and Landon they are able to ratify these, however, when they realize that they are being influenced by the qareen. She figured she'd give him one last chance to save the world, now that his "Jiminy Cricket" is gone. The spear is forged with god magic. Hope brings the Ascendant to Lizzie, asking if she knows where Alaric keeps his stash of Bennett Blood, to which she remarks she can think of at least three locations. He's at a loss for words but refuses to accept this. He questions what she's going to do. Hayley in pain because of the Needle of Sorrows. She does not believe that Landon should continue to train to be a "hero", and finds it questionable when he believes he can fly. Later that night, she and Landon talk about his first day back at the school. Halfway through their stars, Pedro is the sixth one to present to Hope. In the meadow, a bolt of lightning crashes into the ground and dissipates. Hope fights Greg one-on-one, but Hope easily overpowers him, flipping a pool table on top of him. Lizzie loses control over her magic, causing several popcorn containers of carnival goers to explode, proving her point. She demands for Lizzie to siphon the barrier spell and to include her into the plan. Hope won't know who he intends to be, Ryan or Clarke. They grew to be friends and it was clear they shared a connection more than that of friends. Caroline, and the little Miss Mikaelson (AU) Vampire Diaries - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 808 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 2/1/2013 - Published: 12/1/2012 - Caroline F., Klaus. Despite trying to appeal to Hope's emotions, she explains that hatred is an emotion and you only hate something you love. Hayley later takes Hope to live with her and Jackson in an apartment across the street, as Klaus watches on from a distance. For this betrayal, Elijah swore revenge on his brother. She can push her buttons too easily, and her emotional stability has never been at the top of her rsum. She has more confidence and cockiness in her stance. Age Rupert explains that vampires can move across the board in one turn and the speed of the gods varies. She's been caught in an endless cycle, until now. MG doesn't believe her to be right and she's given them more than enough to worry about. Josie questions why she's here, but Hope only quips that she's preemptively annoyed with the weapons gone. Although on the TV series, Klaus saw Stefan as a brother and a best friend/companion after they bonded in Chicago in the 1920s, while in the books, Klaus was intrigued with Stefan due to Katherine's constant mentioning of him (and Damon) after Katherine fled Germany after faking her death and reuniting with him. She hasn't killed anyone that she cares about. Remove Landon and he couldn't stand in his way. She then comes to the safe place Hope is living and talks to Hayley trying to convince her to deliver Hope to her and Hayley refuses this idea. Hope tells her that they'll be watching Gremlins. He never wanted it to come to this, but Hope accepts her fate. Hope questions what took her so long, though all Josie needed was the proper motivation. Hope accepts his words and decides to join Lizzie, who's looking for the portal. He also said that he wanted help Klaus to protect her, but fearing that Esther will use Ansel to get to his "little girl" he explained to his father that he cannot fail his daughter and must protect her to all the cost. Hope is practicing her answers for the pageant questions in the twins' room and is given a dress by Lizzie that belonged to Caroline. Hope finally realizes they're never going to give up on her and immobilizes her with another spell. In I Thought You'd Be Happier To See Me, a humanity-less Hope sits at a bar. Lizzie screams out and drives the stake into Aurora's chest through to the right of heart, missing it. Little Miss Calamity: 2008 (Created for The Mr. Men Show) 6 Little Miss Daredevil: 2008 (Created for The Mr. Men Show) 7 Little Miss Cawaii: 2011 (Appeared only in the Sanrio website) 8 Little Miss Fashion: 2014 (Created for the A Walk in Fashion) 9 Little Miss Gap: 2015 (Created by GAP, and featured on clothing) 10 Little Miss Unbelievable Lizzie is honest with her. Finally, she asks that Hayley tells the baby stories of 'her crazy aunt Bex' and, despite her absence, she really does love her niece. She is about to drink when she hears rustling behind her. Their minds are transported into another world, a Chambre de Chasse. Landon arrives with a way to defeat it - respect. Furthermore, as a possessor of the werewolf gene, Hope will experience bouts of severe aggression. Hayley stabs her with the knife Genevieve wanted to use to kill her daughter and she tells Genevieve that's she is not sorry. As she returns from the school, she finds Landon attacking Dennis. Despite their attempts, Malivore arrives after his consciousness was alerted to the disruption. As he performs a thermal sweep, he discovers a body within it and is surprised to learn from Hope that it's Lizzie. Hope beats on the train car glass window, until it gives and she breaks her way out. In order to get him back, she may have pissed off a lot of people in the process, something that runs in her family. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters, yet still, she claimed to love us even as she vowed to destroy us. Significant kills Hope was conceived in The Vampire Diaries season four episode Bring It On, and it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant four episodes later in The Originals. She has always been told what she was destined to be in her entire life and he's always had to wonder. He's not ready to let her go. The counselor is trying to find out why Hope was using black magic when she knew she would get caught for that but she defends herself by saying that, she would think she had caught Landon before being interrogated. She hates this, but believes she should know who it is and hands her a slip of paper from the Manticulum. She is his Salvatore idol. Turned MG asks what she'll miss most. She is reluctant to accept Landon's decision to fight also, however, but eventually accepts given their prior conversation. Cleo reveals that her sisters were murdered and that is why she hates violence. Jen tells her it's a long story, but refuses to elaborate on the details. For a god, she believes him to be dumb because she believes he can't kill her. She's been under her father's sway for centuries, desperate for even the smallest expression of love, only to be reminded time and time again of his cruelty. MG commences with the games and Wade steps up first. He doesn't want her to grow up in a prison. In order to complete the ritual, Mikael had his children drink wine laced with the blood of Tatia, a Petrova doppelgnger and distant descendant of the world's first immortal woman, Amara before he then thrust his sword through their chests. Though Lizzie is less enthusiastic, Hope decides to use this opportunity to make sure Lizzie can handle her new vampire powers. With their help, Hope finds Rafael in the 2028 prison world. In which Caroline's older sister, Cassidy, has always known that she was mated to eight supernaturals based on her mate tattoo. For the first time in a long time, she believes she will. Unaware of what was happening, Hope calls out to her dad as he speeds away. She wants her to find that vendor's voice with her enhanced hearing. Hope wants more cannon fodder, questioning how many students there's at the school. The side that's willing to do whatever it takes. Hope has rejoined the others with Ken, the last remaining on the field. The betrayal forced Hope to feel a flicker of emotion that made her question her humanity, especially Lizzie's comparison of Hope to a monster. She realizes that Hope has his phone. The two talk shortly after, and when Landon asks how Hope knew he hadn't returned, she remarked that she could just feel his situation. Hope and Lizzie spend the rest of the day talking about Hope and why she didn't reveal herself to everyone when she returned from Malivore. When they arrive at school, Hope walks to the library, Alaric comes up behind her, asking what she's doing here, she gives a book that would help kill the gargoyle and Josie joins them. In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Hope is seen talking to Alaric about the urn when Lizzie and Josie burst through the doors having returned home. She meets Jackson and she is introduced to the werewolves and vampires during the wedding party. However, all she had to do was let herself be with him. She attempts to attack Hope, and she questions which wants to die first. Hope and Landon are sent to Mystic Falls High School to retrieve the artifact from Dorian. They tell her they love her, always and forever. Eventually the drug's effects wear of and the three of them wake up next to the crater at the wellness retreat. After some convincing, Hope locks up the bar in hopes of leaving Mystic Falls and going after Landon. Hayley is holding Hope when she asks to stay at the abattoir. This sword won't even kill her, yet he won't even try, believing he doesn't have what it takes. Sadly, they've lost one of their best warriors. Hope is already familiar with him, having met when she transitioned into the tribrid. The barrier spell she placed around shouldn't have worked on him, considering he's supposed to be human and it only works on supernatural creatures. However, in season two's The Brothers That Care Forgot, Esther had found Rebekah whilst she is with Hope at the park, this is signified by the presence of starlings. He realized something about Josie's story from earlier. Rebekah asks him what her name is. MG appears, but is late since Hope neglected to tell him. She wanted him to make the same choice she did. He believes their first move is getting her to safety. The two are shocked to find that the creature is gone, hinting to the fact that it is not a troll. He also reveals he knows about them being from Mystic Falls and Alaric's school for the supernatural. He wants their daughter to be raised by her parents in her family home. Hayley tells her she's proud of her. Alaric has never seen anything she can't handle and is willing to take the risk if she is. Rebekah also had a similar fate to Kol and was also daggered on various occasions, including in 1835, 1922, and 2010. Eventually, the Saltzmans return via Josie's spell, and Hope frantically rushes to find Landon. He knows that he loves her and that's about the only thing he's sure of. After Hope defeated Malivore, she turned off her humanity and brutally attacked Alaric to ensure the other students would leave her alone. Lucia is part of theMikaelson Familythrough her father and theClaire Family through her mother. She's come to accept his terms. MG relents and accepts her wishes. He tells her that if the violence helps, then he's the right person to come to. After some words of consideration from Elijah Mikaelson, and an-exchange from Camille O'Connell, he later changed his mind about the child. Hope believes this to be a load of crap and not what actually happened. The Necromancer rejoices in his apparent victory. She is the younger sister of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, and the elder . Hope struggles trusting Clarke after the arrival of the krampus, but eventually casts a truth spell on him after he promises to close the Malivore portal. Landon approaches her, making attempts to reconcile until he catches sight of a statue that is revealed to be MG's mom, to their shock - a new creature is on the loose on the Salvatore grounds. Emmett claimed that Marcel's advanced werewolf venom can take down a hybrid, an Original, and even Hope Mikaelson. When he resurrects, he questions why Hope is the one he sees every time he comes back to life, however she dodges the question and leaves him in the woods. Light Blue She's sure her humanity is flickering and trying to return. Greg doesn't believe she can do that, but the other wolves back off and allow it. As Hope attempts to leave the carnival, the Barker approaches her. They bicker over the things they've done, such as Lizzie working with Aurora to raise the gods, which she points out as an effort to fix her mistakes. We've all heard the legends, the first vampires. Alaric wants them to run the tour for prospective students. The punished students arrive at the Town Square, Lizzie tries to find out what Hope has done but she doesn't say anything. She thought she was prepared to become the tribrid, to kill Landon and all the emotions it would bring. Hope did whatever she could to protect her family and always offered to help save those she cared about or considered family, including Marcel. He was only able to escape after she and Lizzie opened a door to the prison world. Lizzie gives her request a hard pass, but Hope reminds her that she's sire-bonded to her. MG isn't wrong, though, as he reminds her how she has a habit of prioritizing Landon at all costs. Hope's blood sword dissolves in flames as it disappears from Landon's chest. Healing SpellTelekinesis (various)Mind Breaching Spell (on Elijah with Freya)Spell of UnknottingPyrokinesis (various)Astral Projection Spell (twice)Cloaking Spells (various)Sleeping Spell (various)Boundary Spells (various)Combustion Spell (twice)Spirit Confinement Reversal Spell (on the Hollow; assisted by Freya using Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah)Pain Infliction (various)Flower Petal Shower SpellWater Freeze SpellAphasia SpellTranslucence SpellDark Magic Locator Spell (with Josie)Shield SpellDeath SpellShock Wave Spell (twice)Lineage Spell (on Landon)Basic Mimic Spell (on Ryan) She's placed her under a sleeping spell and waiting for her to starve and die. Elijah suggests to Hayley to come back and live with him and Klaus. Hayley made a promise to herself that her daughter would grow up safe and loved, unlike Hayley had. As she is sleeping, Dahlia's humming is heard. Hayley then delivers a message to the Mikaelsons saying she doesn't want Hope to be one of them. Rules are rules. Working together, the two are able to stop the monster, but during the battle, the artefact is destroyed. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. She is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner.She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael.She is also the niece of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Henrik Mikaelson . We all know the story of the Originals, but did anyone ever care to tell the story of the youngest daughter? Another vortex opens, and Clarke again prevents it from sucking in Hope, and the two are surrounded by Shadow Creatures, forcing Hope to make the two of them invisible. She can't paint with her dead boyfriend's remains. Hope knows this because she's the one who put him in that position. Rebekah points out that she had just believed it was a memory, but Hope shrugs it off. She then shows him the memory of the day she froze Connor's windows and tells Landon he had it coming either way. Lizzie invites them to meet Andi and, in doing so, becomes initiated into their cult, succumbing to their strange behavior. As time passed, Hayley grew concerned that because she never had a loving mother in her life, she would not know how to be a good mother to her daughter, but eventually, that faded and she grew to love the child deeply and like Klaus, is dedicated to protecting her at all costs. Percy used a washable marker to draw pink hearts on the hybrid's cheek, near his eye. Klaus and Hope had a difficult journey to being together, as forces stronger and out of both their control constantly tried to separate them. They argue until the illusion breaks and the three of them are returned to the darkness. Her aunt turns her around and forces a White Oak Ash dagger into her heart, desiccating her. It's gratitude because she no longer needs his help. She visits Landon again at night and they begin to talk more about two years ago, and she leaves him again after he asks more questions about her leaving again. However, they remain close as much as a non-biological fatherly-daughterly coupling can be. Wade and others share stories about Hope, such as she casting a spell on a professor to only speak Sumerian or when she was taken control of by the slug. Following this, they manage to kill the shunka, but Hope leaves shortly after, leaving Landon and Rafael questioning who she is. Wade tells her that she does damage to Ken, but he's still standing. For the game, the two sides will alternate turns, with the Manticulum declaring success or failure of the moves based on the scores they've fed it. She wears relaxed yet edgy clothing that compliments her full, curvy figure. In fact, she realizes that she followed it into the room and points out that he's the monster. Hope questions if it worked because she's still here, though her humanity appears behind her as she's come to join her. No one felt this hunger more than Niklaus.Elijah to Hayley about his family in Always and Forever. Alaric notices the death spell, he understands that it was first for Landon, angry he tells her that she can not be a person filled with hate and revenge as her father was. Hope scoffs at that remark. They don't know what to do without her. It is an incredibly dangerous mission that has to be conducted on a purely voluntary basis. Humanity-less Hope questions why she just won't go away, but Hope tells her it's because she is her father's daughter. He admits that the story was about learning how to say goodbye. While she is in the hall, sitting by the fire, Rafael come to see her, he informs that he told the truth to Lizzie, Hope answers that despite the appearance she has a good evening and create an avengers squad, they make peace and dance together. The two kill the minotaur, which ends the game and returns them to Mystic Falls, along with the Keeper. She believes that Malivore has already taken possession of Landon as his vessel. They are both the first-born of their generation and they are both girls. She's too late for speeches, but Finch isn't here for that. After cursing the wolves and Hayley he finds Hope and tells her everything is going to be okay. Now finally we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us: to live on as one of the monsters she created or suffer an agonizing death she so deserves..Niklaus Mikaelson. I come from a. He believes them to be beautiful and poetic, and it shows her dad in such a great light. Going through a few photos in her dorm room, Hope picks a few to keep with her to wake up to. She had nothing to do with killing Landon. Hope wants her body back. Hope gains the upper hand against her darker half, confessing that she needs to be worth the sacrifices her family made, and won't be if she keeps letting her darker half burn the world. She watches as Hayley goes through with the binding spell and while Hayley kills the witch, Hope breaks Roman's neck. There were wonderful parts of her father, but worries she may have all the other parts, too. Hope steps up to face Ken, though when pressed about the outcome, Rupert states that the manticulum calculates that she will still lose. Rebekah reassures her that it's real and these are his ashes. With blood dripping down, she casts another spell to form a sword with her blood. In fact, she was right about him. She then sees that Freya was right about the first-borns of their family having devastating power. Hope manages to wake from the poison, as do Wade, MG, and Kaleb. After a series of several tests, they sit on the pier overlooking the lake with a truth sphere to learn more about Landon's past, but they learn nothing new, so they have a discussion during which they confide and Landon promises not to break her trust. Marcel takes that as meaning she knows that she's not okay. She knows there's something wrong with Landon, and Cleo offers to help. She questions if that is supposed to be her dad, though believes it to be a staged, sad attempt at a cautionary tale. After mocking them, the Protoclown appears behind Hope and bites her in the shoulder before running off. That morning, she seeks Alaric's advice on her dream. Angered, she breaks the salt circle, sending Davina back to the Ancestral Plane and frees Klaus.

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little miss mikaelson