multi objective optimization pytorch

As we are witnessing a massive increase in hardware diversity ranging from tiny Microcontroller Units (MCUs) to server-class supercomputers, it has become crucial to design efficient neural networks adapted to various platforms. Code snippet is below. Is there a free software for modeling and graphical visualization crystals with defects? In -constraint method we optimize only one objective function while restricting others within user-specific values, basically treating them as constraints. Join the PyTorch developer community to contribute, learn, and get your questions answered. Here, each point corresponds to the result of a trial, with the color representing its iteration number, and the star indicating the reference point defined by the thresholds we imposed on the objectives. (8) \(\begin{equation} L(B) = \sum _{i=1}^{|B|}\left\lbrace -out(a^{(i), B}) + log\sum _{j=i}^{|B|}exp(out(a^{(j), B})\right\rbrace . Amply commented python code is given at the bottom of the page. Partitioning the Non-dominated Space into disjoint rectangles. Optuna is a hyperparameter optimization framework applicable to machine learning frameworks and black-box optimization solvers. As @lvan said, this is a problem of optimization in a multi-objective. Fig. Rank-preserving surrogate models significantly reduce the time complexity of NAS while enhancing the exploration path. The decoder takes the concatenated version of the three encoding schemes and recreates the representation of the architecture. This was motivated by the following observation: it is more important to rank a sampled architecture relatively to other architectures throughout the NAS process than to compute its exact accuracy. We use a list of FixedNoiseGPs to model the two objectives with known noise variances. In given example the solution vectors consist of decimals x(x1, x2, x3). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1018-1026. The weights are usually fixed via empirical testing. Ax is a general tool for black-box optimization that allows users to explore large search spaces in a sample-efficient manner using state-of-the art algorithms such as Bayesian Optimization. We use the parallel ParEGO ($q$ParEGO) [1], parallel Expected Hypervolume Improvement ($q$EHVI) [1], and parallel Noisy Expected Hypervolume Improvement ($q$NEHVI) [2] acquisition functions to optimize a synthetic BraninCurrin problem test function with additive Gaussian observation noise over a 2-parameter search space [0,1]^2. Multi-objective optimization of item selection in computerized adaptive testing. The two options you've described come down to the same approach which is a linear combination of the loss term. The above studies belong to centralized optimal dispatch methods for IES energy management, but in practice, IES usually involves multiple stakeholders, such as energy service providers, energy network operators, and end users, and operates in a multi-level manner. 11. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Fig. Considering hardware constraints in designing DL applications is becoming increasingly important to build sustainable AI models, allow their deployments in resource-constrained edge devices, and reduce power consumption in large data centers. We update our stack and repeat this process over a number of pre-defined steps. The multi. Pareto front for this simple linear MOO problem is shown in the picture above. Our loss is the squared difference of our calculated state-action value versus our predicted state-action value. An intuitive reason is that the sequential nature of the operations to compute the latency is better represented in a sequence string format. This makes GCN suitable for encoding an architectures connections and operations. We will do so by using the framework of a linear regression model that takes multiple features as input and produces multiple results. During the search, they train the entire population with a different number of epochs according to the accuracies obtained so far. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, What is the effect of not cloning the object "out" for obj1. An initial growth in performance to an average score of 12 is observed across the first 400 episodes. In this article, HW-PR-NAS,1 a novel Pareto rank-preserving surrogate model for edge computing platforms, is presented. Please note that some modules can be compiled to speed up computations . Existing HW-NAS approaches [2] rely on the use of different surrogate-assisted evaluations, whereby each objective is assigned a surrogate, trained independently (Figure 1(B)). For latency prediction, results show that the LSTM encoding is better suited. Table 1 illustrates the different state-of-the-art surrogate models used in HW-NAS to estimate the accuracy and latency. See here for an Ax tutorial on MOBO. Multi objective programming is another type of constrained optimization method of project selection. The goal is to trade off performance (accuracy on the validation set) and model size (the number of model parameters) using multi-objective Bayesian optimization. In many NAS applications, there is a natural tradeoff between multiple metrics of interest. Heuristic methods such as genetic algorithm (GA) proved to be excellent alternatives to classical methods. S. Daulton, M. Balandat, and E. Bakshy. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. \end{equation}\). I am a non-native English speaker. We show that HW-PR-NAS outperforms state-of-the-art HW-NAS approaches on seven edge platforms. The end-to-end latency is predicted by summing up all the layers latency values. We can distinguish two main categories according to the input of the surrogate model: Architecture Encoding. Or do you reduce them to a single loss (e.g. Simplified illustration of using HW-PR-NAS in a NAS process. This score is adjusted according to the Pareto rank. (7) \(\begin{equation} out(a) = \frac{\exp {f(a)}}{\sum _{a \in B} \exp {f(a)}}. Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution to get full access on this article. 9. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '21). Existing approaches use independent surrogate models to estimate each objective, resulting in non-optimal Pareto fronts. Several works in the literature have proposed latency predictors. This implementation was different from the one we used to run our experiments in the survey. In conventional NAS (Figure 1(A)), accuracy is the single objective that the search thrives on maximizing. What you are actually trying to do in deep learning is called multi-task learning. Has first-class support for state-of-the art probabilistic models in GPyTorch, including support for multi-task Gaussian Processes (GPs) deep kernel learning, deep GPs, and approximate inference. sum, average)? We then present an optimized evolutionary algorithm that uses and validates our surrogate model. """, botorch.utils.multi_objective.box_decompositions.dominated, # call helper functions to generate initial training data and initialize model, # run N_BATCH rounds of BayesOpt after the initial random batch, # define the qEI and qNEI acquisition modules using a QMC sampler, # optimize acquisition functions and get new observations, # reinitialize the models so they are ready for fitting on next iteration, # Note: we find improved performance from not warm starting the model hyperparameters, # using the hyperparameters from the previous iteration, : Hypervolume (random, qNParEGO, qEHVI, qNEHVI) = ", "number of observations (beyond initial points)", Bayesian optimization with pairwise comparison data, Bayesian optimization with preference exploration (BOPE), Trust Region Bayesian Optimization (TuRBO), Bayesian optimization with adaptively expanding subspaces (BAxUS), Scalable Constrained Bayesian Optimization (SCBO), High-dimensional Bayesian optimization with SAASBO, Multi-Objective-Multi-Fidelity optimization with MOMF, Bayesian optimization with large-scale Thompson sampling, Multi-objective optimization with qEHVI, qNEHVI, and qNParEGO, Constrained multi-objective optimization with qNEHVI and qParEGO, Robust multi-objective Bayesian optimization under input noise, Comparing analytic and MC Expected Improvement, Acquisition function optimization with CMA-ES, Acquisition function optimization with torch.optim, Using batch evaluation for fast cross-validation, The one-shot Knowledge Gradient acquisition function, The max-value entropy search acquisition function, The GIBBON acquisition function for efficient batch entropy search, Risk averse Bayesian optimization with environmental variables, Risk averse Bayesian optimization with input perturbations, Constraint Active Search for Multiobjective Experimental Design, Information-theoretic acquisition functions, Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization using KG, Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization with discrete fidelities using KG, Composite Bayesian optimization with the High Order Gaussian Process, Composite Bayesian Optimization with Multi-Task Gaussian Processes. Each encoder can be represented as a function E formulated as follows: We select the best network from the Pareto front and compare it to state-of-the-art models from the literature. HAGCNN [41] uses a binary-based encoding dedicated to genetic search. To address this problem, researchers have proposed surrogate-assisted evaluation methods [16, 33]. Indeed, this benchmark uses depthwise convolutions, accelerating DL architectures on mobile settings. We then input this into the network, and obtain information on the next state and accompanying rewards, and store this into our buffer. Well make our environment symmetrical by converting it into the Box space, swapping the channel integer to the front of our tensor, and resizing it to an area of (84,84) from its original (320,480) resolution. Imagenet-16-120 is only considered in NAS-Bench-201. Search Time. Training Implementation. What sort of contractor retrofits kitchen exhaust ducts in the US? We use a listwise Pareto ranking loss to force the Pareto Score to be correlated with the Pareto ranks. PyTorch version is implemented in, generic version using only Numpy is implemented in file In the proposed method, resampling is employed to maintain the accuracy of non-dominated solutions and filters are utilized to denoise dominated solutions, where the mean and Wiener filters are conducive to . Experiment specific parameters are provided seperately as a json file. We compare HW-PR-NAS to the state-of-the-art surrogate models presented in Table 1. It detects a triggering word such as Ok, Google or Siri. These applications are typically always on, trying to catch the triggering word, making this task an appropriate target for HW-NAS. But the question then becomes, how does one optimize this. For example, in the simplest approach multiple objectives are linearly combined into one overall objective function with arbitrary weights. Section 3 discusses related work. Notice how the agent trained at 500 episodes exhibits much larger turn arcs, while the better trained agents seem to stick to specific sectors of the map. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To represent the sequential behavior of the architecture, we use an LSTM encoding scheme. $q$EHVI requires partitioning the non-dominated space into disjoint rectangles (see [1] for details). It is as simple as that. Considering the mutual coupling between vehicles and taking random road roughness as . gpytorch.mlls.sum_marginal_log_likelihood, # define models for objective and constraint, botorch.utils.multi_objective.scalarization, botorch.utils.multi_objective.box_decompositions.non_dominated, botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.monte_carlo, """Optimizes the qEHVI acquisition function, and returns a new candidate and observation. As the implementation for this approach is quite convoluted, lets summarize the order of actions required: Lets start by importing all of the necessary packages, including the OpenAI and Vizdoomgym environments. To achieve a robust encoding capable of representing most of the key architectural features, HW-PR-NAS combines several encoding schemes (see Figure 3). Our approach is motivated by the fact that using multiple independently trained surrogate models for each objective only delivers sub-optimal results, as each surrogate model will bring its share of error. From each architecture, we extract several Architecture Features (AFs): number of FLOPs, number of parameters, number of convolutions, input size, architectures depth, first and last channel size, and number of down-sampling. The plot shows that $q$NEHVI outperforms $q$EHVI, $q$ParEGO, and Sobol. An action space of 3: fire, turn left, and turn right. In this case, you only have 3 NN modules, and one of them is simply reused. Fig. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. To examine optimization process from another perspective, we plot the true function values at the designs selected under each algorithm where the color corresponds to the BO iteration at which the point was collected. This requires many hours/days of data-center-scale computational resources. The optimization step is pretty standard, you give the all the modules' parameters to a single optimizer. Note there are no activation layers here, as the presence of one would result in a binary output distribution. Our model integrates a new loss function that ranks the architectures according to their Pareto rank, regardless of the actual values of the various objectives. Novelty Statement. In this section we will apply one of the most popular heuristic methods NSGA-II (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm) to nonlinear MOO problem. We notice that our approach consistently obtains better Pareto front approximation on different platforms and different datasets. For example, the convolution 3 3 is assigned the 011 code. The easiest and most simplest one is based on Caruana from the 90s [1]. Qiskit Optimization 0.5 supports the new algorithms introduced in Qiskit Terra 0.22 which in turn rely on the Qiskit Primitives.Qiskit Optimization 0.5 still supports the former algorithms based on qiskit.utils.QuantumInstance, but they will be deprecated and then removed, along with the support here, in future releases. To evaluate HW-PR-NAS on edge platforms, we have used the platforms presented in Table 4. Each architecture can be represented as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where the nodes are the input/intermediate/output data, and the edges are the operations, e.g., convolutions, pooling, and attention. Pareto Rank Predictor is last part of the model architecture specialized in predicting the final score of the sampled architecture (see Figure 3). The environment has the agent at one end of a hallway, with demons spawning at the other end. Also, be sure that both loses are in the same magnitude, or it could happen what you are asking, that the greater is "nullifying" any possible change on the smaller. The larger the hypervolume, the better the Pareto front approximation and, thus, the better the corresponding architectures. How to add double quotes around string and number pattern? The log hypervolume difference is plotted at each step of the optimization for each of the algorithms. In our previous article, we explored how Q-learning can be applied to training an agent to play a basic scenario in the classic FPS game Doom, through the use of the open-source OpenAI gym wrapper library Vizdoomgym. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Two architectures with a close Pareto score means that both have the same rank. In this tutorial, we assume the reference point is known. Our surrogate model is trained using a novel ranking loss technique. A pure multi-objective optimization where the result is a set of architectures representing the Pareto front. In RS, the architectures are selected randomly, while in MOEA, a tournament parent selection is used. The most important hyperparameter of this training methodology that needs to be tuned is the batch_size. Suppose you have 4 NN modules of which 2 share weights such that one objective relies on the computation of 3 NN modules (including the 2 that share weights) and the other objective relies on the computation of 2 NN modules of which only 1 belongs to the weight sharing pair, the other module is not used for the first objective. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 2021. given a surrogate model, choose a batch of points $\{x_1, x_2, \ldots x_q\}$. In a smaller search space, FENAS [36] divides the architecture according to the position of the down-sampling operations. Illustrative Comparison of Edge Hardware Platforms Targeted in This Work. We compare HW-PR-NAS to existing surrogate model approaches used within the HW-NAS process. Belonging to the sample-based learning class of reinforcement learning approaches, online learning methods allow for the determination of state values simply through repeated observations, eliminating the need for explicit transition dynamics. In our experiments, for the sake of clarity, we use the normalized hypervolume, which is computed with \(I_h(\text{Pareto front approximation})/I_h(\text{true Pareto front})\). Often one decreases very quickly and the other decreases super slowly. For a commercial license please contact the authors. Source code for Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018 paper "Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization". It allows the application to select the right architecture according to the systems hardware requirements. Neural Architecture Search (NAS), a subset of AutoML, is a powerful technique that automates neural network design and frees Deep Learning (DL) researchers from the tedious and time-consuming task of handcrafting DL architectures.2 Recently, NAS methods have exhibited remarkable advances in reducing computational costs, improving accuracy, and even surpassing human performance on DL architecture design in several use cases such as image classification [12, 23] and object detection [24, 40]. Just compute both losses with their respective criterions, add those in a single variable: and calling .backward() on this total loss (still a Tensor), works perfectly fine for both. Define a Metric, which is responsible for fetching the objective metrics (such as accuracy, model size, latency) from the training job. The Bayesian optimization "loop" for a batch size of $q$ simply iterates the following steps: Just for illustration purposes, we run one trial with N_BATCH=20 rounds of optimization. Is a copyright claim diminished by an owner's refusal to publish? We then reduce the dimensionality of the last vector by passing it to a dense layer. Search Algorithms. GCN Encoding. Here, we will focus on the performance of the Gaussian process models that model the unknown objectives, which are used to help us discover promising configurations faster. Several approaches [16, 33, 44] propose ML-based surrogate models to predict the architectures accuracy. @Bram Vanroy keep in mind that backward once on the sum of losses is mathematically equivalent to backward twice, once for each loss. Copyright 2023 ACM, Inc. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, APNAS: Accuracy-and-performance-aware neural architecture search for neural hardware accelerators, A comprehensive survey on hardware-aware neural architecture search, Pareto rank surrogate model for hardware-aware neural architecture search, Accelerating neural architecture search with rank-preserving surrogate models, Keyword transformer: A self-attention model for keyword spotting, Once-for-all: Train one network and specialize it for efficient deployment, ProxylessNAS: Direct neural architecture search on target task and hardware, Small-footprint keyword spotting with graph convolutional network, Temporal convolution for real-time keyword spotting on mobile devices, A downsampled variant of ImageNet as an alternative to the CIFAR datasets, FBNetV3: Joint architecture-recipe search using predictor pretraining, ChamNet: Towards efficient network design through platform-aware model adaptation, LETR: A lightweight and efficient transformer for keyword spotting, NAS-Bench-201: Extending the scope of reproducible neural architecture search, An EMO algorithm using the hypervolume measure as selection criterion, Mixed precision neural architecture search for energy efficient deep learning, LightGBM: A highly efficient gradient boosting decision tree, Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks, NAS-Bench-NLP: Neural architecture search benchmark for natural language processing, HW-NAS-bench: Hardware-aware neural architecture search benchmark, Zen-NAS: A zero-shot NAS for high-performance image recognition, Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical neural architecture search for semantic image segmentation, Learning where to look - Generative NAS is surprisingly efficient, A comparison between recursive neural networks and graph neural networks, A comparison of three methods for selecting values of input variables in the analysis of output from a computer code, Keyword spotting for Google assistant using contextual speech recognition, Deep learning for estimating building energy consumption, A generic graph-based neural architecture encoding scheme for predictor-based NAS, Memory devices and applications for in-memory computing, Fast evolutionary neural architecture search based on Bayesian surrogate model, Multiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting in genetic algorithms, MnasNet: Platform-aware neural architecture search for mobile, GPUNet: Searching the deployable convolution neural networks for GPUs, NAS-FCOS: Fast neural architecture search for object detection, Efficient network architecture search using hybrid optimizer. pymoo: Multi-objectiveOptimizationinPython pymoo Problems Optimization Analytics Mating Selection Crossover Mutation Survival Repair Decomposition single - objective multi - objective many - objective Visualization Performance Indicator Decision Making Sampling Termination Criterion Constraint Handling Parallelization Architecture Gradients Interestingly, we can observe some of these points in the gameplay. Youll notice that we initialize two copies of our DQN as part of our agent, with methods to copy weight parameters of our original network into a target network. \end{equation}\) CBD scales polynomially with respect to the batch size where as the inclusion-exclusion principle used by qEHVI scales exponentially with the batch size. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020. Well also greyscale our environment, and normalize the entire image by dividing by a constant. 7. I am training a model with different outputs in PyTorch, and I have four different losses for positions (in meter), rotations (in degree), and velocity, and a boolean value of 0 or 1 that the model has to predict. In the rest of this article I will show two practical implementations of solving MOO problems. Performance of the Pareto rank predictor using different batch_size values during training. We compute the negative likelihood of each architecture in the batch being correctly ranked. Dealing with multi-objective optimization becomes especially important in deploying DL applications on edge platforms. This scoring is learned using the pairwise logistic loss to predict which of two architectures is the best. Prior works [2] demonstrated that the best architecture in one platform is not necessarily the best in another. Pruning baseline designs For batch optimization (or in noisy settings), we strongly recommend using $q$NEHVI rather than $q$EHVI because it is far more efficient than $q$EHVI and mathematically equivalent in the noiseless setting. It also has smart initialization and gradient normalization tricks which are described with inline comments. Our surrogate models and HW-PR-NAS process have been trained on NVIDIA RTX 6000 GPU with 24GB memory. def store_transition(self, state, action, reward, state_, done): states = T.tensor(state).to(self.q_eval.device), return states, actions, rewards, states_, dones, states, actions, rewards, states_, dones = self.sample_memory(), q_pred = self.q_eval.forward(states)[indices, actions], loss = self.q_eval.loss(q_target, q_pred).to(self.q_eval.device), fname = agent.algo + _ + agent.env_name + _lr + str( +_+ str(n_games) + games, print(Episode: , i,Score: , score, Average score: %.2f % avg_score, Best average: %.2f % best_score,Epsilon: %.2f % agent.epsilon, Steps:, n_steps),, """, # partition non-dominated space into disjoint rectangles, # prune baseline points that have estimated zero probability of being Pareto optimal, """Samples a set of random weights for each candidate in the batch, performs sequential greedy optimization, of the qNParEGO acquisition function, and returns a new candidate and observation. Strafing is not allowed. The following illustration from the Ax scheduler tutorial summarizes how the scheduler interacts with any external system used to run trial evaluations: To run automated NAS with the Scheduler, the main things we need to do are: Define a Runner, which is responsible for sending off a model with a particular architecture to be trained on a platform of our choice (like Kubernetes, or maybe just a Docker image on our local machine). Principled methods for exploring such tradeoffs efficiently are key enablers of Sustainable AI. For batch optimization ($q>1$), passing the keyword argument sequential=True to the function optimize_acqfspecifies that candidates should be optimized in a sequential greedy fashion (see [1] for details why this is important). A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Veril February 5, 2017, 2:02am 3 Figure 7 summarizes the obtained hypervolume of the final Pareto front approximation for each method. Our agent be using an epsilon greedy policy with a decaying exploration rate, in order to maximize exploitation over time. Efficient Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search with Ax, state-of-the art algorithms such as Bayesian Optimization. ie out_obj1 = self.obj1(out.clone()). In this demonstration I'll use the UTKFace dataset. And to follow up on that, perhaps one could even argue that the parameters of the separate layers need different optimizers. Bottom of the algorithms ( NeurIPS ) 2018 paper `` multi-task learning as multi-objective optimization '' already with. To be tuned is the batch_size machine learning frameworks and black-box optimization multi objective optimization pytorch loss technique refusal to?! Nas ( Figure 1 ( a ) ), accuracy is the batch_size is pretty,... To existing surrogate model: architecture encoding 's refusal to publish this simple linear MOO problem shown... 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multi objective optimization pytorch