player's option: skills & powers pdf

Each skill has ten levels. Marshall and Brian roll ld20, and bothfor checks against that subability. Other pos-heavy weight or propping up a collapsing ceiling. Credits. scores some chance of success at feats similar to thieving abilities could require multiole successes for such charirr- For those occasions when a lone adventurer cannot ters to succeed.succeed at an ability check due to insufficient dice, addi-tional characters might be able to help. Racial abilities cost 5 to 10 charac- usingthe same method. Chapter Five (pages 6485) provides 30 character kits, various character packages. Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams. halfelves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden Active sense of smell (5): The character's sense of entranceways. . New proficiencies, talents, and updated psionics round out the Player's Option character. All paladins have the following restrictions:4 fighter can gain bonus character points to spend on theabove abilities by accepting a voluntary restrictionon his nor- Cannot possess more than 10 magical items. . corlllllmity or culture and decides to seek his fortune on the waves. with other elves, and a -2 penalty when encountering otherNearlyall of them are evil, and they have usedtheir cunning become masters of much of the Underdark. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. All immunitiesare cumulative, so a character with a 2 1Reason score is immune to first-, second-, and third-level A character with a high Intuition score likely wouia Deillusion spells. Many swanmays give up routine adven-character ogre is rare in the extreme-the intelligence andcharacter necessary to rise beyond the petty cruelties and turing to guard their homes against the forces of evil, but aappetites of their kind just isn't found in many ogres. A character with a high Reason score would be A character with a high Health score would seldom get sick and be little affected by allergies and other ailments. . . See the proficiencies section for Constitutionalso are desirable. Magic Defense Adjustment: This modifier applies tothe character's saving throws versus magical spells thataffect the victim's mind-beguiling charm, fear, hypnosis,possession, suggestion, etc. lVllllULdUl 5 Z in Native to the chaotic Mongrelman d, h(35%>, i(25%), plane of Limbo, the githzerai 3gre bb. society tends to be organized and less savage. This is dis- cussed in chapter six throuahout this volume. This page does not exist. were a dek Wo levels k w x F a example, a 6th level#gl- Healing (5): The abilityto heal himselfor another by the adin would turn undead as a 4th level deric. Free shipping for many products! entranceways. Perhaps the playerbe useful in evadingcapture. Leon sets up his character's Constitution subabilities like this: Missile Adjustment: This modifier is applied to the d20 I Shccombat roll whenever a character attacks with a missileweapon, such as firing arrows or hurling a spear. A FCQatyr thri-kreen has probably lost its truefamily in some disaster orThe half-human, halfgoatsatp are a race of pleasudwsawing beings, Like the sylvan locationsthey dwell in, are another, and accepts its companions as a substitutefamily.personificationsof nature, embodiments of all that is wild andcarehee. For every 3%points of Constitu-Infravision, 120' Miningdetection abilities tion/Health, the gnome receives a +1 bonus. Each of the abilities below cc Table 20: Paladin - It Progressionto 10 character points. For more on these men, see Charlemagne andgain a +1 bonus to all savingthrows versus poison. And they are proud of their status as thepariahs of the humanoid cultures. New proficiencies, talents and updated psionics round out the PLAYER'S OPTION See chapter six for 20 more information. of their acute senses, character points; refer to the descriptions below. larger.)q. character point improves a proficiency score by a +1 permanent bonus. No two look alike, but allof weakness and decadence in hobgoblin society. Mountain Dwarf Racial Penalties Like hill dwarves, mountain dwarves are not accustomedHill Dwarves to traveling over water. Immunity to: charm monster, confusion, emotion, fumble, and suggestion. Dart bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with darts, their preAnimal friendship Melee combat bonuses*Forest movement Savingthrow bonus +ferred missile weapon.Hide Defensivebonus (5): 1 to Armor Class when in their* Forest gnomes may apply their defensive adjustment native underground environment Engineering bonus (5): If the gnome has the engi- when fighting any man-sized or larger creatures; their neering proficiency, he gains a +2 bonus to the profi- racial enemies are orcs, lizard men, troglodytes, or any ciency score. . For example, Leon chooses to save 2 character points after creating his fighter. The Skills and Powers book offers several new proficiencies and ways in which they can be employed during a game. .16 Specialty Priests . .58Wisdom, Intuition, Willpower 17 Druids -58Charisma, Leadership, Appearance .18 Wizards ..60Alternate Subability Method .19 Wizard .. . May Marshallfighter lifts the chest. They prefer to dress in white,leavesfresh water, the dehydration process starts again. 1 player Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, , , 3 players Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, , 1 player Sports Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, 2 players Animals Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, TOMY 1 player Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games. For each category that is barredtohim, he gains 5 CPs . Players can purchase packages of abilities, or they can customize their characters.Elf t1 w-1 Con Demihumans can save 5 character points from thisGnome +1 Int-1 WISHalf-elf None process and apply them ta weapon and nonweapon profi- ciencies. Second, the player assigns the base score to one of the subability scores; Leon assigns his roll of 13 to his character's Strength/Stamina score. Health subability score.lnfravision (10): lrhavisionwith a 60' range. The more Dositive the value, the lessW Poison Save: This modifier applies to saving throws made versus poisons. or adventuring io the forest, high elves typically cover them- Languages: Dark elves begin play with: drow, elf, gray selves in a doak of forest green in the spring and summerdwarf, illiiid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish. Forest Gnomes Also like dwarves, if a gnome possesses a cursed item Character point cost: 45that malfunctions, he will recognize the nature of the item Forest gnomes are less common than rock gnomes. AC 5) in leather armor (AC 8) is actually AC 4, since the leather armor provides a small They favor plain dothingand neasure of extra protection. change shape.They are usuallyill-temperedbeingswho enjoy violence forits own sake, indulgingin all manner of cruelty to entertain Swanmays belong to a special sisterhood of druids andthemselves.Ogres are extremelystrongand hardy, buttheir rangers, living in communal lodges in hidden forests. WebPlayer's Option: Skills & Powers is a sourcebook for the 2nd-edition ruleset of Dungeons & Dragons . The spell progression chart forpaladins appears below. The book was designed by Douglas Niles and Dale Donovan. The character decided it was time to change professions. Abilities cost to natice a concealed door.either 5 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions Tough hide (10): A few rare human characters have abelow. "Yes!-l made it with a 4!" Satyrs are very impulsive, and are generallyunreliablecompanions despite their good intentions. A new rule for the PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem is that all unarmored warrior and roguecharacters gain an additional +2 bonus to armor classwhile unencumbered. . These creatures g. Leap: The character's powerful leg muscles enableappear in The Complete Book of Humanoids and The him to make astoundingleaps, boundingup to 30 feet for- ward or 10 feet into the air. Detect sliding or shifting walls: Goblin Hobgoblin -1 CharismaThe creature can detect walls that move -1 Strength, -1 Constitutionor shift with the percentage score Kobold Lizard man Nonenoted. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. Lizard men have long, dangerous Goblins are small humanoids standing about four feet claws and thick, powerfultails upto four feet in lepgth. Gnomes also love living things and Deep Gnomes' SpecialAbfkiesfinely wrought items of all types. A dwarf also canbe multi-classed as a fighter/cleric or afighter/thief. Start again. 9ChaDter 1 LRoll 1d20 to randomly determine a backround. Lesser lighthave gill slits like fish, and they process the air they need sources do not bother them. check, and in the second because a 6 is higher than a 5. . TheyCharacter point cost: 40 +can be within 5.Sylvan elves, or wood elves as they also are known,descended from the same stock as other elves. A swan- consciously harm a beautiful woman-or ignore her. Spell Immunity: This is the level of illusion/phantasmAbility ScoresTable 8: Reason Proficiencies: Knowledge is the base number used with proficiencies such as ancient and local histoty, ancient and IReason S d l modern languages, and reading/writing. ter points. . 1% +3 19 +4 Dwarvestypically live in hilly or mountainousregions, en- 20+ +5 joying the strength of the ea& and r& that make up theirChapter 3underground homes. In addition, hill dwarves can ties cost either 5 or 10character points; refer to the dextip-speak gnome, goblin, orc, and gnoll. Cannot attract a body of followers. Perseus, Hercules, Hiawatha, Roll dlos to determine their hit points from 1st to 9th Beowulf, and Sinbad are fighters of legend. A list and short review of the games the club has just bought: Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse. Moving up this ladder by pullingdown ons, but PC lizard men are members of a more advancedthose above them is the typical dream of most goblins, and variety that is capable of usingweapons and armor. 3. immunity to: fear. Assuming that roll is successful, at their full normal speed. the character is forced to live by his wits. It also provides some new choices for Player's Option wizards. Also, character points are used to purchasetraits, and bonus character More information about character points can be found points are awarded for taking disadvantages. comfortable in water or out of it, but they are vulnerable toLike all true avians, aarakocra have hollow bones, and most dehydration once they leave their native swamps.weigh no more than 80 or 90 pounds. Common bully- wugs are scarcely able to wield a stone spear or club, but Aarakocra are strong and swift fliers, and they can make advanced bullywugs are able to wear armor and use mosta special divingattack with a drop of 200 feet or more. Only 5 points can be because of the haiflings' friendship with dwawes.retained for use later in the character creation process. Players who choose dwarves fortheir characters have 45 characterpoints to spend on racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizea dwarf from the general skill list below, or they can be usedto purchase a subrace's skill package. Avoidee it at all costs. . Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills and abilities you want! It also modifies the character's armor class, represent- ing the character's ability to dodge normal missile attacks and parry melee attacks. Gnolls have a hard time seeing Dast themoment, and patience is a virtue unheard of in gnoll society. Half-orcs can be of any alignmentHalf-Elf Standard RacialAbilities (20)Infravision, 60' Resistance Players who choose half-orcs for their charactersLanguages* Secret Doors have 15 character points to spend on racial abilities. .116Weapon Specialization and Mastery ..1 18 Appendm: Compiled Tables .178Monsters and Weapon Mastery 119 Index . 188Equipment . 120Different Forms of Wealth .122Ways to Spend and Save Money ..122Encumbrance and Movement .124EquipmentTables . . This is untrue. good at solving riddles and puzzles, and would be talented System Shock: This is the percentage chance (on a at using deductive, logical thinking. . Some disadvantages are:allergies, clumsy, colorblind, greedy, lazy,unlucky, and a number of phobias. BOW bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with any bows other If the playerwishes to create his own cus- than crossbows. Characters from other classes can have scores of 18 inStrength subabilities, but cannot have exceptional sub-a b i l i scores, and do not roll percentile dice for these subI Muscle Open Bend Ban/ If the number rolled on 1 d 100 is equal to or lessMuscle "3. The most distinguishing feature are their wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride. Dwarves gain a + 1 bonus to Cleric 9 - attack rolls against orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins; gnomes gain a +1 bonus --. Unlike other gnomes, forest gnomes prefer toest gnomes. 98% I L .4,4.,0/I"" % Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on1dloo) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. This ability lasts one hour for every leveltemperamental and emotional elves. savages and marauders of the worst sort. Scores of 18 are possible only if the total of one or more 7ChaDter 1 1dice, added to the base of 8, add up to exactly 18. as centaurs combine human and horse. All magical items not specially undercommon(the trade language of all Underdarkraces).suited to the dwarf's character classhave a 20% (on 1d 100 roll) to mal-function. Player character gray dwarves can be of any Character point cost: 40alignment This variety of dwarf lives beneath the mountains in isolated strongholds.Most mountain dwarvesvalue their privacyand Languages: Duergar begin play with knowledge of their avoid contact with outsiders. Deep gnomes are no Trident bonus (5): +1 on attack rolls when using a tri- more or less evil than their surfacedwelling cousins, and dent. They pmfer a good,hard day's work 14-15 Thoughsometimes cansidereddour or tadturn, few doubt the 16-17 +1 b r v e ~ c'ourage or bravery. . The love 13 Killed someone interest might be outside the character's social class, and 14 Made a powerful enemy either or both families could protest or attempt to end the 15 Orphaned courtship.The outcome of the romance is left to the player 16 Ran away from home and the DM. character's family sent him away to avoid retribution. won, in the first case because 15 is not a successful Aim (Rolling u d20) "Missed i t I rolled a 19." However, they are comfortableCharacter point cost: 40 around rivers and small lakes. Such a warrior has high ideals to maintain at all Spell resistance (5): Fighters with spell resistancegain a times.+1 bonus to all saving throws versus spells. [2] The book contains options to further focus a character's abilities and background. 50+ reviews of games, books, and miniatures. . . insix chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door. Magic resistance (10): Gain a 2% Magic Resistancefor each level. To some-even other elves-this retiring nature makes gray elves seem aloof and uncaring. The charac- subability score, due to his hardy heritage. These halflings are the tallest and slimmest of their kind,They are a practical people, and there are many bakers, averaginga l i e over 4' tall. WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. Their hair is lighterdyte, and undercommon. Move Silently: This concerns only those rogue char- acters who have the move silently ability. If you are playing second edition go ahead and get this book it does have a lot of cool ideas and alternate rules that are worth taking a look at. fully rolls the highest result-if that result is equal to or under the ability score in question. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. .. . You can add new kits and character abilities, as long as you keep hold of them and don't let it unbalance the game. They can be within 5.attempting to disbelieve somethingwhich is actually an illu-sion suffer a -2 penalty to the attempt Balance bonus (1 0): 1 to the character's Bdance sub ability score. Georg's Nyhedsbrev (Issue 5 - Nov 1995). . [2] He felt that readers might suspect that Skills & Powers would "do nothing but further confuse the situation" regarding the "out of hand" number of character classes available in the game, but suggested that the book "in fact does the opposite". ciency usually costs from 2 to 5 points. This is as per the bard ability-see The Player's Hund-Sylvan Elves' Special Abilities book for more information. Half-orcs can be members of the following classes:use later in the character creation process. Characters withhtened'lei AisnthaadtdtihtioenDalMbecnaenfist eoft tphaisrtiscyuslatermly high Balance scores may, by the numbers, seem to be better at thieving skills than someDiPlculties difficult checks for characters with rogues, especially low-level ones. This is a standard humanhave ruddy complexions, dark hair, and dark eyes. . Only 5 points can be retained for alignment, use later in the character creation process. . The paladin can restoretwohit points per his experience level. priest characten receive, accordingto their Intuitionscores.Knowledge Table 9: Know' . Kobolds strive to be tafen seriously by larger races, Player character gnolls must work hard to overcome the and often try to make up for their shortcomings with ferocity and tenacity. . However, elves whodo make friends outside their race treattheir comrades as equals. whenexposed to bright sunlight or Other Infravision, 60' Saving Throw Bonuseslight sources do not impair them. Another common example of such a contest is an arm- wrestling match. Strength 16 Constitution 12 All Stamina 15 Health 12 All 1 s,2s,and 3s rolledon hit dice are considered4s. For example, if two Appearance: Appearance checks can be used in socialcircumstanceswhere the involved character has no estab- characters with 14 Aim scores compete to see who can hitlished reputation.Or the checks might determine if an NPC a far-off boulder with thrown stones-and the resultsof thebecomes romanticallyinterested in the character. if any a b i l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie can be haughty, disdainingcontact with their cousinsthe elf dies. They cannot create u. Paralyzing bite: At 5th level, a thri-kreen gains themagical effects such as a harpy's song, a sphinx's roar, or ability to paralyze its prey with a bite. I played 3rd refused to buy 3.5 edition books because edition3 didn't last long and then we were all expected to buy ALL NEW hardback books again no too much money too soon. The rule is: for each point in a see if either character could ovelwhelm the other with asubability above 15, the player can roll an additional 1d20 burst of Strength. Intuition: These checks are called for when adventurers think they are being followed, that their NPC friend is acting strangely, or when someone attempts to con them.Stamina: This subability is used to ascertain a charactet's Willpower: Willpower checks are needed when a char-physical exertion over a period of time. This allow the char-acter to have up to a difference of 5in the Dexteritysubability scores.Detect evil (5): Halflings are veryperceptive. . Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Their beards are white. A new magic memorization and casting system is introduced in Chapter 6, providing new ways to customize a character's spell selection. The inside is clean, no writing. Bugbears inflict a -3 allows players to run half-giant characters, penalty on opponents' surprise checks. In the next abilities in any order they want round, fearing for his fighter's life, Leon declares that he will spend a character point if his attack misses. Any and all other dice 78 15 9 80 15 10 11 12 For example, Leon wants to create a character usingthis method. CharismaCharisma is split into the subabilities of Leadenhip, which measures forcefulness Proficiencies: intuition is the base number for such of personalityand how willing others are to follow the char-diverse proficienciesas tracking, artistic ability, healing, acter's lead, and Appearance, which gauges physicalattrac-direction sense, weather sense, religion, and hunting. A player of the forest folk. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. Third, roll a die or flip a coin to see if the remaining subability score will be better or worse than the base score. High elves set the physicalrnents underground. lncN Rghk ReJerved. The standard elven subraces are:aquatic, dark, gray, high, and wood.Player character elves can be the fol-lowingclasses: fighter, mage, cleric, orthief. Warhammer a priest of the same level.Improved Stamina (10): +1 to the Stamina subability bonus (5): + 1 to attack rolls with the warscore. Ks unusual for a thri-kreen toare somewhat bloodthirsty. Consequently, enemies are likelyto Orc + ++1 Strength, -2 Charismadismiss the character as a negligible Satyrthreat and concentrate their attacks on Swanmay 1 Dexterity, 1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaother, more impressive, members of Thri-kreen +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom Wemic +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma Strength, -1 Dexteritythe charactets party unless the charac- +1ter displays some unusual prowess,powerhl magic, or skill.1. Aim Missile Attack Adjustment This modifier is subtracted from or I7 0 -20 -15 I I+added to d20 rolls during combat. The Player point system introduced in Skills and Powers, allows for incredible versatility in character generation. Rock gnomes love gems, especially dia- Determine the approximate depth underground, 1 - 4monds bigger than their noses. Or, if the player wishes to create his 11-13 +3own customized halfling character, he can pick and choose 14-17 +4from the list of haltlingabilities listed below.Abilities cost either 18-20 +55 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptionsbelow.Aim bonus (10): +1 to the halfling's Aim subabilityscore.Attack bonus (5): +1 attack bonuswith hurled weapons and slings.Balance bonus (10): +1 to the Bal-ance subability. So ifLeon's fighter wants to force open a trap door, Leon rolls The next check (and all subsequent checks) would be3d20. Because the character is likely wanted in one or more communities, hecould be religious in an agnosticculture, lawfully-inclinedin had to take on the adventuring life, traveling from place toa chaotic society, or disgusted by his homeland's evil prac- place with no plans to settle down. Most hill dwarves are lawfulgood, but player characters can be of any alignment own customized dwarven character, he can pick and choose from the list of dwarven abilities listed below. When the value of each ability score is determined, the player also assigns that value to both sub-statistics and can then tweak them by lowering one to raise the other. with equivalent stealth skills. nus i I This score is a measurement of the character's educa- Knowledgetional experiences-whether in a school or on the streets,his grasp of languages, and his memory capacity. .126r charactcrhanw VICharacter Points Character points are used to purchaseweapon proficien- Regardless of any reroll's success, any character U points spent are lost. dancing, and disguise. Abilities cost either 5their youth, fadingto gray or white with age. There are new rules covering critical hits, tactical options, and combat maneuvers such as shield walls, disarms, and more! Hairfoot Racial Penalties Stealth (10): If the gnome is not in metal armor, a -4 penalty is applied to opponent's surprise rolls if the &out Halflings gnome is at least 90feet ahead of a patty of characters without this ability, or accompanied only by characters Character point cost:35 with equivalent stealth skills. . Abili- Languages: Hill dwarves can speak their own tongue aswell as other dwaiven dialects. They prefer the Deep Dwarves' Special Abilitiessecurity and the isolation that living far beneath the earth Infravision, 90' SavingThrow Bonuses Melee Combat Bonuses* Mining DetectionAbilitiesprovides.The typical deep dwarf is 4 4 % 'tall and weighs 120 * Attack bonus applies vs. drow, troglodytes, and ora.pounds. _LAbilitJy Scores ~include when an adventurer leads NPCs into battle, when This system also can be used to determine the out-one adventurer asks a favor of another, or when a charac- come of direct abilitv-vs.-abilitv contests between charac-ter attempts to instill a belief or attitude into a crowd or ters. Perhaps he saw how his villainous a&abilities of Stamina, whiperiod of time, and Mudifiers to scores a 50 exceptions to this rub IAbilitJv ScoresFor example, Leon is determiningthe subabilities for hisfighter. The average l i e expectancy of a halflingis 150 years. Last Post {{thread.lastpostdate|truncate:"10"}}, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition), Sourcebook (rules/options to enhance play), Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc), Class Based (Pilot, Wizard, Scientist, etc), Race Based (Player Race/Species affects gameplay), Random Attribute Generation (during Character Creation), Skt. . PLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows the character a one-in-six chance (a 1 on If the player wishes to create his own 1d6) to notice it. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Pick pockets: Mongrelmen also have the ability to v. Dodge missiles: At 7th level, a thri-kreen gains thepick pockets as the thief ability, with a success chance of ability to dodge thrown or fired missiles with a roll of 9 or70% plus 5% per level. . Spells & Magic is 192 pages in length, which is split into an introduction, eight chapters and four appendices. 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